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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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In your dreams. It's been happening for ever and will continue to do so.


It has, but many countries have tough ,strict criteria you have to meet even before being allowed to set foot in their country. A job, funds to support yourself , medical insurance , etc, are all required in countries like Australia . Sadly over here it seems all you need is a map to the nearest benefits office ,and if you dont know where it is , there are leaflets printed in hundreds of languages pointing you in the right direction.

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It has, but many countries have tough ,strict criteria you have to meet even before being allowed to set foot in their country. A job, funds to support yourself , medical insurance , etc, are all required in countries like Australia . Sadly over here it seems all you need is a map to the nearest benefits office ,and if you dont know where it is , there are leaflets printed in hundreds of languages pointing you in the right direction.


Funny how those strict controls didnt apply when europeans were being transported to australia.


---------- Post added 01-01-2014 at 23:50 ----------


You have got to commend the lad, works hard, provides for his family, be it sending money back home, but as i say many times, HOW is that good for this country.


It's good for him and his family, but not for British economy


What about the many thousands of Brits who work on the continent and send money back to blighty? Are they doing anything for their host country?

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If no Roma show up then the UKIP and Daily Mail are going to look fairly silly aren't they. But they will come. And in large numbers. The fact that even Labour are backtracking on immigration shows what a big issue this is for people. We need to regain control of our own shores.

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Daily Mail is the 2nd best selling newspaper in Britain and the most popular newspaper website in the world. UKIP are Britain's 4th most popular political party and will become even more popular as long as the 3 bigger parties all toe the same line regarding immigration.


The Mails website is the most popular newspaper website in the world according to the Mail only - come on - a UK newspaper website is hardly likely to beat a top USA paper.




UKIP have how many seats in Parliament?


What point where you trying to make - summat like Mail readers and UKIP supporters looking silly :cool:

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If no Roma show up then the UKIP and Daily Mail are going to look fairly silly aren't they. But they will come. And in large numbers. The fact that even Labour are backtracking on immigration shows what a big issue this is for people. We need to regain control of our own shores.


If they don't come then the coalition will claim that their last minute package of policies scared the immigrants away, and therefore will claim to have control of the borders. That possibility explains the bleating from Labour.


The problem is of course that the borders are open now, Britain is tipped to do ok economically and as soon as things really gather pace then you will get the influx. Not now, later.


Damage is done already. Big challenge for UKIP. It may superficially look like the coalition has actually done the job and the coalition may now have enough ammo to take into the next election.

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