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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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its not a case if romas will turn up this coming year.... eastwood rotherham , romas landed about 4 years and dont we know about it ! page hall ,fir vale , next stop ...who knows .

Agree,if we've just opened our boarders how the heck did all the Roma get in 3 or 4 years ago.

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It has, but many countries have tough ,strict criteria you have to meet even before being allowed to set foot in their country. A job, funds to support yourself , medical insurance , etc, are all required in countries like Australia . Sadly over here it seems all you need is a map to the nearest benefits office ,and if you dont know where it is , there are leaflets printed in hundreds of languages pointing you in the right direction.


I'm telling you, the Australian immigration system isn't all it's cracked up to be. The last time I looked, Australia wasn't in Europe.


---------- Post added 02-01-2014 at 08:45 ----------


Daily Mail is the 2nd best selling newspaper in Britain and the most popular newspaper website in the world. UKIP are Britain's 4th most popular political party and will become even more popular as long as the 3 bigger parties all toe the same line regarding immigration.


And what does that tell you about today's society?

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It has, but many countries have tough ,strict criteria you have to meet even before being allowed to set foot in their country. A job, funds to support yourself , medical insurance , etc, are all required in countries like Australia . Sadly over here it seems all you need is a map to the nearest benefits office ,and if you dont know where it is , there are leaflets printed in hundreds of languages pointing you in the right direction.
I can tell you from first-hand experience (sister-in-law's US husband trying to come over to live with her, for the past year or so) that, for non-EU migrants, the UK is just as tough to get in as Australia/elsewhere with comparable policies, and with just as high requirements of "job, funds to support yourself , medical insurance , etc".


See e.g. here (that's only one aspect of the whole affair).


But let's not have some facts get in the way of a good rant, m'kay?

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Are you sure.


An official Government document has admitted that several hundred thousand immigrants are working illegally in Britain.


It says they are attracted by the ease with which they can find work in industries such as agriculture, catering and construction, according to reports.


And they are helped by readily available fake ID, the Home Office consultation paper says.


The paper slipped out with no publicity four days after MPs left for their summer break.


These are all jobs that out unemployed could be doing, these working immigrants are costing the country billions.


those that are working illegally should be rounded up....locked in a big warehouse and fed bread and water....for 12 months then shipped out...bet they don't come back....

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those that are working illegally should be rounded up....locked in a big warehouse and fed bread and water....for 12 months then shipped out...bet they don't come back....


A serious suggestion would be more helpful Eastbank.:)

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i am being serious...iv'e got a great big one to rent.....and got a great security firm to care for them.....plus we would get them to wash cars to pay their way...


Never really saw you as a slaver. Bread and water? Would you sexually abuse all the fit women as well?

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Here are a few snippets from the mail;


While some of those coming here have expressed a desire to find ‘any job they can’, messages on internet forums show others making inquiries about benefits.

One user of a popular website wrote: ‘My husband and I want to have a child in the UK. We want to know what kind of benefits we can apply for. We are interested in receiving a council house.’

A mother described how she is hoping to move her family to the UK in the hope of claiming child tax credits – while a man spoke of his desire to be given a house.

A pregnant Romanian woman said: ‘I have read on this website I can get £190 a week from the British government from the 25th week of pregnancy. Could somebody help me with the documents?’



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2531440/Sold-Flights-buses-Romanians-Bulgarians-head-UK.html#ixzz2pBPvTGTd


Given the easily verifiable lies in that article, how can the rest of it be trusted?

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