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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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Its another case of a tale with two stories. On one hand, you have a section of the population who genuinely fear for the future, and on the other you have a section who claim there is nothing to worry about. Without resorting to anymore bickering, my only real concern is that its perfectly clear that there is a great deal of foreign citizens here in the UK, either working or claiming benefits. Either way, these folk are here, and this latest possible influx is happening, no matter what the doubters say. This isn't an occurrence that can be passed off, with a "There is no problem" attitude. Its just another nail in the coffin for British peoples tax burdons, British peoples job opportunities and British peoples housing future. And that isn't racism, its country-ism. I dont give a hoot what a persons ethnicity is, but I do care about future prosperity for my children, their children, and every other lifelong citizen of the UK and their children who have spent their life investing in a country that hopefully will provide jobs/housing and healthcare to those who are as much part of the backbone of the UK as the land itself, as opposed to allowing people to settle here just because Brussels say we have to, backed by a spineless un-elected Government who seem to care more about foreign policy.

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Its another case of a tale with two stories. On one hand, you have a section of the population who genuinely fear for the future, and on the other you have a section who claim there is nothing to worry about. Without resorting to anymore bickering, my only real concern is that its perfectly clear that there is a great deal of foreign citizens here in the UK, either working or claiming benefits. Either way, these folk are here, and this latest possible influx is happening, no matter what the doubters say. This isn't an occurrence that can be passed off, with a "There is no problem" attitude. Its just another nail in the coffin for British peoples tax burdons, British peoples job opportunities and British peoples housing future. And that isn't racism, its country-ism. I dont give a hoot what a persons ethnicity is, but I do care about future prosperity for my children, their children, and every other lifelong citizen of the UK and their children who have spent their life investing in a country that hopefully will provide jobs/housing and healthcare to those who are as much part of the backbone of the UK as the land itself, as opposed to allowing people to settle here just because Brussels say we have to, backed by a spineless un-elected Government who seem to care more about foreign policy.


Could I ask if you have a view about the many thousands of British citizens who seize the opportunity for prosperity abroad?

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Could I ask if you have a view about the many thousands of British citizens who seize the opportunity for prosperity abroad?


Yes I do B/F, and its exactly the same. There was a time when it was simply two systems. 1, Emigration and 2. Six month work visa. Neither of these included the prospect of ANY benefits changing hands at all. You either jumped through hoops for two years to gain citizenship, or applied for a maximum 6 month work visa, PROVIDING you had proof of work. The current system means anyone, anytime for however long they want, with different countries applying their own proviso. So yes buddy, I feel the same, especially when the amount of migrants cannot be controlled here.

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Could I ask if you have a view about the many thousands of British citizens who seize the opportunity for prosperity abroad?


the brits went to work abroad...not scrounge like these roma do....we dont want them...we dont need them....get shut of them....

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Yes I do B/F, and its exactly the same. There was a time when it was simply two systems. 1, Emigration and 2. Six month work visa. Neither of these included the prospect of ANY benefits changing hands at all. You either jumped through hoops for two years to gain citizenship, or applied for a maximum 6 month work visa, PROVIDING you had proof of work. The current system means anyone, anytime for however long they want, with different countries applying their own proviso. So yes buddy, I feel the same, especially when the amount of migrants cannot be controlled here.


Thanks for your reply oooo, on the face of it I disagree with much of what you say but your contributions are heartfelt and comprehensively put together.


My view of European immigration is mixed, I sympathise with the people of Page Hall who appear to be taking the brunt of the antisocial behaviour, but at the same time I also appreciate the value of free movement of people.


I know many Brits who earn a tremendous living on the continent and have a 'european' mentality rather than a British one and cant understand our 'little Englander' approach. In your post you seemed to be attacking immigration generally rather than the Roma specifically, but the statistics do point to our economy benefitting financially from immigration overall.


The 'investments' you referred to which paid for healthcare, pensions and other public services were never sufficient to support future demand due to miscalculations of future incomes, retirement ages and mortality, which is why we're in the straits we're in, rather than immigrants coming here and freeloading being the sole reason. We also need immigrants to fill genuine labour shortages where we're unable to provide workers in areas of need, geographically and skillswise.


None of this is to say immigration shouldn't be strictly controlled, but the more controls we impose, the more controls will be imposed on our workers who want to work in Europe and there's many of them.


---------- Post added 02-01-2014 at 21:50 ----------


That's something for the people in those other countries to consider.


It's something for us all to consider if restrictions are placed on Brits working and living in Europe

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Thanks for your reply oooo, on the face of it I disagree with much of what you say but your contributions are heartfelt and comprehensively put together.


My view of European immigration is mixed, I sympathise with the people of Page Hall who appear to be taking the brunt of the antisocial behaviour, but at the same time I also appreciate the value of free movement of people.


I know many Brits who earn a tremendous living on the continent and have a 'european' mentality rather than a British one and cant understand our 'little Englander' approach. In your post you seemed to be attacking immigration generally rather than the Roma specifically, but the statistics do point to our economy benefitting financially from immigration overall.


The 'investments' you referred to which paid for healthcare, pensions and other public services were never sufficient to support future demand due to miscalculations of future incomes, retirement ages and mortality, which is why we're in the straits we're in, rather than immigrants coming here and freeloading being the sole reason. We also need immigrants to fill genuine labour shortages where we're unable to provide workers in areas of need, geographically and skillswise.


None of this is to say immigration shouldn't be strictly controlled, but the more controls we impose, the more controls will be imposed on our workers who want to work in Europe and there's many of them.


We can only blame Governments, past and present for not controlling how hedge masters squeezed our pension pots, so in theory we must blame ourselves, as it were we that puteth them there in the first place. I do apologize for blanketing the stereotype, as its not what I truly think is the core issue. The concern I have is the prospect of an abundance of freeloaders, whom are under the belief that the UK is somehow a haven of possibilities. We, as regular sufferers know that its not all that tickety-boo. The NHS is under tremendous strain, along with the size of the defecit. In short, the prospect of people wishing to utilize our already groaning economy is enough to set alarm bells ringing now, where as our own kith and kin whom all our hard work is for, may not benefit from our dedication.

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Thanks for your reply oooo, on the face of it I disagree with much of what you say but your contributions are heartfelt and comprehensively put together.


My view of European immigration is mixed, I sympathise with the people of Page Hall who appear to be taking the brunt of the antisocial behaviour, but at the same time I also appreciate the value of free movement of people.


I know many Brits who earn a tremendous living on the continent and have a 'european' mentality rather than a British one and cant understand our 'little Englander' approach. In your post you seemed to be attacking immigration generally rather than the Roma specifically, but the statistics do point to our economy benefitting financially from immigration overall.


The 'investments' you referred to which paid for healthcare, pensions and other public services were never sufficient to support future demand due to miscalculations of future incomes, retirement ages and mortality, which is why we're in the straits we're in, rather than immigrants coming here and freeloading being the sole reason. We also need immigrants to fill genuine labour shortages where we're unable to provide workers in areas of need, geographically and skillswise.


None of this is to say immigration shouldn't be strictly controlled, but the more controls we impose, the more controls will be imposed on our workers who want to work in Europe and there's many of them.


---------- Post added 02-01-2014 at 21:50 ----------



It's something for us all to consider if restrictions are placed on Brits working and living in Europe


Only a small minority of British people work abroad, I don't the countries they work in will restrict their ability to work there, but even if they did, why do you think it would concern the majority of British people when they don't want to work abroad anyway.

Why should I be concerned if a well educated British doctor is restricted from traveling abroad, when it would be better for me if they stayed here to work?

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Why should I be concerned if a well educated British doctor is restricted from traveling abroad, when it would be better for me if they stayed here to work?


The problem with that is,the doctor may stay here and NOT be working,due to government imposed financial cuts...........while this government is dog whistling about foreigners putting a strain on the NHS,it's the government who are putting the strain on it by forcing redundancies due to under funding...........see how they scapegoat foreigners for what they themselves are doing.




Porter was speaking to the Guardian after the Department of Health (DH) admitted that 7,060 NHS clinical staff, such as doctors and nurses, have been made redundant since the coalition took power in 2010, at the same time as David Cameron was pledging to protect the service's frontline from cuts.

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