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If unemployment was so much of a problem and caused by immigration,how come Dominoes Pizza wasn't able to fill 1,000 jobs with English unemployed?


Because they have benefits as an option. Remove that option and they will have to work, because it becomes a matter of earning to live rather than a lifestyle choice.

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most rational people who kept their counsel during the successive waves of immigration since the 1950s are finally saying we have had enough,(do largly we have been put upon, we have never had a vote on whether we want our country to be something other than british and immigration is doing us no good, not the elderly and not our young people, not our economy and nor our social structure.We have tried, but as British people we see many( although not all) migrant communities not living as British, but living as their own communities transported and running alongside British culture. To be called far right for wanting your own country with its own distinctive culture and customs would never happen to any other nation except Europeans-if the left wing saw a small country elsewhere in the world in danger of losing its national identity under a wave of European migration they would be up in arms-eg Maori or Australian aboriginal cultures. But British-we are spat on by politicians, academics etc and have no rights it seems



Sounds like you have just arrived back from another planet,in which case,welcome to the global.multicultural economy,where people of all races and creeds move around to places all over the world,it's been like that for hundreds of years and it's not going to change now,accept it or live your life in bitterness forever.........your choice.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 13:04 ----------


Because they have benefits as an option. Remove that option and they will have to work, because it becomes a matter of earning to live rather than a lifestyle choice.


Yes,so its nothing to do with immigration then is it?.........or are immigrants telling the English not to do the jobs?

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Halibut, your days of being respected here are well and truly over. Your views are consistently aimed at total nonsense, and you are being laughed at by the whole community (with the exception of your lemmings) because of your total lack of knowledge about everything.

please dont be offended if I dont bite back, sweety x


Halibut was respected here??

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Yes,so its nothing to do with immigration then is it?.........or are immigrants telling the English not to do the jobs?


Immigration has given us an oversupply of unskilled labour which has depressed wages. Immigration is a problem but it's not a problem I view in isolation.


People are moving across a continent to wash cars for a living, whilst people here won't move 50 miles for a seasonal job with digs picking veg.

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If unemployment was so much of a problem and caused by immigration,how come Dominoes Pizza wasn't able to fill 1,000 jobs with English unemployed?


Because the wage and terms of employment were not enough to attract British unemployed away from benefits, if there were no immigrants then Dominoes would have no choice but to improve the wage and terms of employment.

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Because the wage and terms of employment were not enough to attract British unemployed away from benefits, if there were no immigrants then Dominoes would have no choice but to improve the wage and terms of employment.


Im afraid this is naive thinking, the level of competition in fast food retail is fierce, particularly the branded type. Franchises like Dominoes are often bought by investors from a standard model who have little interest in catering or working in the shops, they're only interested in the potential net return for each pound they employ in the business and wage costs will significantly affect that. If they cant see a potential profit uplift by increasing salaries then the investment becomes less attractive to them and other opportunities become more attractive.

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Because the wage and terms of employment were not enough to attract British unemployed away from benefits, if there were no immigrants then Dominoes would have no choice but to improve the wage and terms of employment.


So,like I have been saying,offering a decent,living wage is the answer,that is the starting point,that is what gets people to take jobs.




Is Britain addicted to immigration? I argued so in my Telegraph column yesterday and Radio 4’s Today programme held a discussion about it this morning and asked me on (22 mins in, here). You can say that that immigration has worked wonders for the economy – without it, we’d have a pathetic 2 per cent more people in work than in 1997. As things stand, our workforce has expanded by 11 per cent. We’d actually notice the number British people emigrating (the exodus has doubled to 400 a day under Cameron) so the ever-growing growing debt pile would be shouldered by a shrinking workforce. David Cameron would have no jobs rise to boast about: three-quarters of the rise in employment under the coalition has been due to immigration. Kick out the newcomers, and the British economy looks pretty sick.



You do the maths..........without immigration,a 2% increase in the UK workforce........with immigration,an 11% increase in the UK workforce since 1997.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 14:11 ----------




This is about America,but nevertheless gives some interesting theories to the effects of immigration.



It might seem like a no-brainer that increased immigration would reduce the wages of native-born Americans. A simple supply and demand model would tell you that more workers means lower wages. But the story is actually more complicated than that. According to a 2010 survey of the economic literature on the subject, the Brookings Institute concluded that, “The most recent academic research suggests that, on average, immigrants raise the overall standard of living of American workers by boosting wages and lowering prices.”


How can it be that more workers competing over the same jobs can lead to higher wages? The reason is that it’s not actually more workers competing over the same jobs. Immigration actually changes what jobs employers need to fill. For one, an influx of cheap labor can make certain businesses like farming or restaurants feasible. (Absent cheap labor, these firms simply could not compete with foreign rivals.) Second, immigrants not only supply labor, but demand it, too. And a larger domestic population through immigration creates more potential customers for business, as well.





But it’s almost certain that in individual cases there will be workers who get put out of work by immigrant competition. And these individual stories of hardship are a much more salient effect of immigration than a slew of patents that make hundreds of products ever-so-slightly more efficient. In other words, the benefits of increased immigration will be spread out among the entire population, while the costs will be borne by a relatively small group of individuals who will feel the effects acutely.

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Im afraid this is naive thinking, the level of competition in fast food retail is fierce, particularly the branded type. Franchises like Dominoes are often bought by investors from a standard model who have little interest in catering or working in the shops, they're only interested in the potential net return for each pound they employ in the business and wage costs will significantly affect that. If they cant see a potential profit uplift by increasing salaries then the investment becomes less attractive to them and other opportunities become more attractive.


And someone else will move in the fill the void, and be happy with a little less profit.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 21:02 ----------




You do the maths..........without immigration,a 2% increase in the UK workforce........with immigration,an 11% increase in the UK workforce since 1997.


2% increase in the UK workforce but with lower government debt, lower unemployment, cheaper living costs.


Whats the point in increasing the workforce if unemployment, debt, and living costs also increase?

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