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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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This says the direct opposite to what you are claiming.






Its analysis suggests that Britain's borrowing as a propotion of GDP would rise to 99 per cent if there is a steady flow of immigrants. If there was a complete ban on immigrants, borrowing would rise to 174 per cent of GDP.


Using low paid immigrants (and the vast majority are low paid) to prop up the economy is dangerous short termism that is akin to a pyramid scheme.


Whilsy young, healthy immigrants with no family to support may initially not drain the nation's coffers, it is inevitable that this will change as life events occur. People have kids, get ill, get old, fall on hard times. And the contribution to the coffers during the periods of low paid work in the early years will not cover what they eventually take out as these inevitable life events occur. So what then? Even larger scale immigration to prop up the pyramid again?


The trouble with pyramid schemes is they eventual collapse... what do you think will happen then?

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An interesting answer to your question,


"But how many members of parliament – in Romania or Britain – would work at an 84 per cent tax rate? I certainly wouldn’t. It’s sad to see that even Romania’s ministers are making this point: Brits are giving up on their own people. The ‘idle Brit’ slur is widespread, even amongst some British employers – locals just won’t work, runs the argument, so can they complain about immigrants? The question is why they are reluctant to work. The answer is because they many would not really be paid."



I've already put that answer on this thread 2 or 3 times,but daneha insists that is wrong.........it's immigrants,and if they were not here,employers would be falling over themselves to raise wages from the minimum to who knows where.But now we have the answer........it's not immigrants,it's not the unemployed on benefits,it's the government that's at fault here,and Duncan smith in particular for not implementing Universal Credit soon enough.



Seeing as Universal Credit has been brought up,here's a little insight to how part of it will work:



According to the new research, the work allowance freeze will mean that a couple with children would take a £234 hit in 2017. Because they would keep only 24p of every £1 of any pay rise as they lose entitlement to universal credit, they would need to see their combined earnings rise by £985 just to stand still. Similarly, a single parent’s earnings would need to rise by £1,770 a year to compensate for their £421 loss. Single people would need a pay increase of £179 in 2017 to avoid the £62 loss from the freeze.



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I've already put that answer on this thread 2 or 3 times,but daneha insists that is wrong.........it's immigrants,and if they were not here,employers would be falling over themselves to raise wages from the minimum to who knows where.But now we have the answer........it's not immigrants,it's not the unemployed on benefits,it's the government that's at fault here,and Duncan smith in particular for not implementing Universal Credit soon enough.



Seeing as Universal Credit has been brought up,here's a little insight to how part of it will work:



According to the new research, the work allowance freeze will mean that a couple with children would take a £234 hit in 2017. Because they would keep only 24p of every £1 of any pay rise as they lose entitlement to universal credit, they would need to see their combined earnings rise by £985 just to stand still. Similarly, a single parent’s earnings would need to rise by £1,770 a year to compensate for their £421 loss. Single people would need a pay increase of £179 in 2017 to avoid the £62 loss from the freeze.




I agree with daneha it is the immigrants, if they weren't here unemployment wouldn't be as bad, it's not their fault they are being used just as the unemployed are to keep wages down and profits up.

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I agree with daneha it is the immigrants, if they weren't here unemployment wouldn't be as bad, it's not their fault they are being used just as the unemployed are to keep wages down and profits up.


Well said, immigration always seems to cause a bit of hysteria which conveniently allows the villains at the top to get off the hook.

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All the well educated and professional people will all have decent jobs in their own county and wont want to come here,the only ones we will get coming here are the the riff raff and the ones coming here looking for a free ride or coming here to steal rob and scrounge...it wont benefit our country one bit opening the boarders to these people..

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I agree with daneha it is the immigrants, if they weren't here unemployment wouldn't be as bad, it's not their fault they are being used just as the unemployed are to keep wages down and profits up.




Well would you believe it,Ed Miliband has only gone and come up with the solution to all these problems...........closes the loophole that brings cheap foreign labour to the UK...............gives UK workers the chance to replace them.............Gives businesses the chance to offer more than the minimum wage to cope with the rush that will follow all the xtra jobs that will be freed up by not employing cheap foreign labour.





If Labour wins in 2015, the Government would work with businesses to close a European Union loophole which allows companies to undercut staff legally by paying agency workers lower wages. The loophole has allowed major firms in the food, packaging and call-centre sectors to employ workers, often from abroad, on lower rates. While the loophole is legal, companies who use it have been accused of acting unscrupulously by failing to protect the job security of their staff.

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Well would you believe it,Ed Miliband has only gone and come up with the solution to all these problems...........closes the loophole that brings cheap foreign labour to the UK...............gives UK workers the chance to replace them.............Gives businesses the chance to offer more than the minimum wage to cope with the rush that will follow all the xtra jobs that will be freed up by not employing cheap foreign labour.





If Labour wins in 2015, the Government would work with businesses to close a European Union loophole which allows companies to undercut staff legally by paying agency workers lower wages. The loophole has allowed major firms in the food, packaging and call-centre sectors to employ workers, often from abroad, on lower rates. While the loophole is legal, companies who use it have been accused of acting unscrupulously by failing to protect the job security of their staff.


Too little and too late I think, but anything is better than nothing, and at least they are now admitting there is a problem, some people have been talking about this problem for years, and the apologists have been denying it exists.

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Well would you believe it,Ed Miliband has only gone and come up with the solution to all these problems...........closes the loophole that brings cheap foreign labour to the UK...............gives UK workers the chance to replace them.............Gives businesses the chance to offer more than the minimum wage to cope with the rush that will follow all the xtra jobs that will be freed up by not employing cheap foreign labour.





If Labour wins in 2015, the Government would work with businesses to close a European Union loophole which allows companies to undercut staff legally by paying agency workers lower wages. The loophole has allowed major firms in the food, packaging and call-centre sectors to employ workers, often from abroad, on lower rates. While the loophole is legal, companies who use it have been accused of acting unscrupulously by failing to protect the job security of their staff.


Just another Ken Dodd move,


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Well would you believe it,Ed Miliband has only gone and come up with the solution to all these problems...........closes the loophole that brings cheap foreign labour to the UK...............gives UK workers the chance to replace them.............Gives businesses the chance to offer more than the minimum wage to cope with the rush that will follow all the xtra jobs that will be freed up by not employing cheap foreign labour.





If Labour wins in 2015, the Government would work with businesses to close a European Union loophole which allows companies to undercut staff legally by paying agency workers lower wages. The loophole has allowed major firms in the food, packaging and call-centre sectors to employ workers, often from abroad, on lower rates. While the loophole is legal, companies who use it have been accused of acting unscrupulously by failing to protect the job security of their staff.


So you admit migrant labour has been used to undercut local labour, and indeed has displaced local labour in the market?

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So you admit migrant labour has been used to undercut local labour, and indeed has displaced local labour in the market?


Go back to Dominoes Pizza and ask yourself why they couldn't fill 1,000 jobs with UK workers.What i have said is that it isn't the fault of immigrants,it's the fault of businesses not offering a living wage..........Miliband agrees.

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