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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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Go back to Dominoes Pizza and ask yourself why they couldn't fill 1,000 jobs with UK workers.What i have said is that it isn't the fault of immigrants,it's the fault of businesses not offering a living wage..........Miliband agrees.


Miliband like the others will say anything while they are vote seeking but in reality they do nothing after all it was Labour that signed the treaties that no one ever knew the details of.

Now we see the damage but its far too late.UK is being bled dry while good people are thrown on the scrap heap through no fault of their own but thats not enough,they have to endure being tarred lazy aswell.


I know people who through no fault of thier own have ended up signing on and they are plaqued with different courses to get them back to work,well its not really back to work that is the objective,its stopping their money that is.Strangely the only place you cant find foreigners is on these courses.

Theres no wonder they come here and were a laughing stock.

Will Miliband change anything? Not a chance..........

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Now we see the damage but its far too late.UK is being bled dry while good people are thrown on the scrap heap through no fault of their own but thats not enough,they have to endure being tarred lazy aswell.



I agree,businesses are bleeding the UK dry,offering minimum wage or less whilst asking the UK taxpayer to top up their employees earnings with public money,the taxpayers are propping up many UK businesses whilst those same businesses are pocketing the profits and most of the meagre wages the workers are getting are used just to survive rather than having spare money to enjoy a better life...........they're bleedin' us dry they are.

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Presumably you have evidence for all this and not just something Nick Griffin told you in his new pamphlet? :hihi:




..er, isnt that exactly what happened? You can add native Americans to your list too.


Ps what is the 'British national identity' and how is it being spat upon by academics and politicians..theyre generally white and British.







white caucasian/ what are you? and before you rant on about "organic process" or "integration" theres not much chance thats going to happen when there are almost no British people around to integrate to. :D


The difference is that the Brits gave those colonies some sort of infrastructure. Those immigrants bring nothing to the table except for subpar health practices and infectious diseases. Tuberculosis rates are increasing in the UK thanks to 3rd world "migrants"! More of a reason for Europe keep them out, Europe doesn't need new resistant strains of pathogens!!






You really do have to wonder how much you would have to hate, indeed loathe, your culture, your country and your fellow citizens, before you would even contemplate something like Labour's conspiracy for mass immigration...


btw /nick griffin pamphlets are usually for pretend lefties like you:)


---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 01:58 ----------


Sounds like you have just arrived back from another planet,in which case,welcome to the global.multicultural economy,where people of all races and creeds move around to places all over the world,it's been like that for hundreds of years and it's not going to change now,accept it or live your life in bitterness forever.........your choice.





can you really not distinguish cause and effect, or are you just pretending to be stupid?

Do you really believe voters are too stupid to form opinions on the basis of their own experience?

Can you really not understand that an influx of several million newcomers has affected people's previously tolerant attitudes?

Manual workers' pay and conditions have been undermined by a vast new pool of labour used to living in worse conditions. Sheer numbers have put a heavy strain on housing and services. That's without starting to consider all the behavioural differences that offend a local population.

Can you really not understand this?:huh:

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I don't feel threatened at all.Go and hide in your wardrobe if you feel that way,that is the multicultural,global economy and the way of life that exists now,it's the way the world works,Cameron talked about the 'stop the world I want to get off'ers'.........here you are then,and the worlds not stopped yet has it.........what are you going to do?

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white caucasian/ what are you?
What does your colour have to do with the British national identity? There are many foreigners in the UK who are white/caucasian who've no interest in the British national identity and by the same token there are British people who superficially look white/caucasian but have non white blood in them, there are many such in my family. So could you try again please?


The difference is that the Brits gave those colonies some sort of infrastructure.

Were they invited? So what will you say when we're invaded by an army of muslims, who subjugate you, BUT have a cure for cancer? Would they be justified in doing so?

Those immigrants bring nothing to the table except for subpar health practices and infectious diseases. Tuberculosis rates are increasing in the UK thanks to 3rd world "migrants"! More of a reason for Europe keep them out, Europe doesn't need new resistant strains of pathogens!!

Sorry which immigrants are you talking about? Native Americans? :huh:


---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 09:39 ----------


You really do have to wonder how much you would have to hate, indeed loathe, your culture, your country and your fellow citizens, before you would even contemplate something like Labour's conspiracy for mass immigration...


btw /nick griffin pamphlets are usually for pretend lefties like you:)


I must be the ultimate in 'pretend lefties' then, I've never voted Labour in my life.

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can anyone explain what use or good for the UK these Roma whatever they are will bring to the UK, serious question..


as much as the thousands of muslims comrade


---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 22:29 ----------


All the well educated and professional people will all have decent jobs in their own county and wont want to come here,the only ones we will get coming here are the the riff raff and the ones coming here looking for a free ride or coming here to steal rob and scrounge...it wont benefit our country one bit opening the boarders to these people..


bravo well said


---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 22:35 ----------




Well would you believe it,Ed Miliband has only gone and come up with the solution to all these problems...........closes the loophole that brings cheap foreign labour to the UK...............gives UK workers the chance to replace them.............Gives businesses the chance to offer more than the minimum wage to cope with the rush that will follow all the xtra jobs that will be freed up by not employing cheap foreign labour.





If Labour wins in 2015, the Government would work with businesses to close a European Union loophole which allows companies to undercut staff legally by paying agency workers lower wages. The loophole has allowed major firms in the food, packaging and call-centre sectors to employ workers, often from abroad, on lower rates. While the loophole is legal, companies who use it have been accused of acting unscrupulously by failing to protect the job security of their staff.

if labour win the next election we wont be able to move for flying pigs


---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 22:35 ----------




Well would you believe it,Ed Miliband has only gone and come up with the solution to all these problems...........closes the loophole that brings cheap foreign labour to the UK...............gives UK workers the chance to replace them.............Gives businesses the chance to offer more than the minimum wage to cope with the rush that will follow all the xtra jobs that will be freed up by not employing cheap foreign labour.





If Labour wins in 2015, the Government would work with businesses to close a European Union loophole which allows companies to undercut staff legally by paying agency workers lower wages. The loophole has allowed major firms in the food, packaging and call-centre sectors to employ workers, often from abroad, on lower rates. While the loophole is legal, companies who use it have been accused of acting unscrupulously by failing to protect the job security of their staff.

if labour win the next election we wont be able to move for flying pigs


---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 22:44 ----------


Are you telling me you now believe what's in the Daily Mail...? :D


I do they are more truth full than the sheffield star


---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 22:49 ----------


So how does that equate to more debt and increases in the cost of living? is there a fuel and food shortage in the UK?,if immigrants want accommodation,somebody is making money providing it,if they want food and fuel,somebody is making money providing it,and if the government had half a brain between them,they would be embarking on a house building programme for the good of everybody in the UK,not only immigrants,to provide social housing for everybody that needs it,and getting even more people working by building th houses for which there is a demand.


have you been listening to mrs milliband?

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Something I knew for quite a while http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25630036. And they still think we have net migration in the UK, what are these people on?


This is something most people already knew.


Former Labour Foreign Secretary Jack Straw tells the programme the previous government "got it wrong" on immigration, "and I deeply regret it".


He adds: "I regret it because it undermines trust in government, if you're that wrong."


Labour MP and ex-home secretary David Blunkett adds: "We didn't spell out in words of one syllable what was happening, partly because of a fear of racism."

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Something I knew for quite a while http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25630036. And they still think we have net migration in the UK, what are these people on?


Net migration is a 'cheat' measure introduced by the last Labour government. It was brought in to hid the true extent of immigration and serves no other purpose. Net immigration would only be a valid measre if all immigration was bad and all emigration was good... and that is not the case.

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