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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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Net migration is a 'cheat' measure introduced by the last Labour government. It was brought in to hid the true extent of immigration and serves no other purpose. Net immigration would only be a valid measre if all immigration was bad and all emigration was good... and that is not the case.


Whatever Zay Moore, as far as I'm aware net migration in the UK has not existed for years and years, if at all. We stamp people into the country, well at least those coming in through official immigration channels, but we do not stamp most people out of the UK, apart from removals which is a very low percentage. Therefore there can't possibly be such a thing as net migration.

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Whatever Zay Moore, as far as I'm aware net migration in the UK has not existed for years and years, if at all. We stamp people into the country, well at least those coming in through official immigration channels, but we do not stamp most people out of the UK, apart from removals which is a very low percentage. Therefore there can't possibly be such a thing as net migration.


This is true and probably the reason the government are so keen on the stat... think of the opportunity for manipulation.


The real point is this though. We could see a thousand skilled trades people, business people or rich retirees emigrating and being replaced by a thousand immigrants with English as a second language, who are poorly educated, have cultural barriers to overcome and who will generally remain at the bottom end of the earning spectrum. That would give you zero net migration but does that mean we have effective immigration policy and control? Of course not because we are both financially poorer and socially/culturally less unified.


Net migration (even if it could be measured accurately) is a smoke screen to hide the real problems.

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The government will only do something about Immigration when the middle class well educated Immigrants start taking the middle class jobs and the British middle class start to take umbrage. Then the government will have no choice but to listen to it's middle class Voters.

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The government will only do something about Immigration when the middle class well educated Immigrants start taking the middle class jobs and the British middle class start to take umbrage. Then the government will have no choice but to listen to it's middle class Voters.


Can you define "middle class" please?

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What does your colour have to do with the British national identity? There are many foreigners in the UK who are white/caucasian who've no interest in the British national identity and by the same token there are British people who superficially look white/caucasian but have non white blood in them, there are many such in my family. So could you try again please?

how do think an african or a chinese would react to that question:hihi:

Were they invited? So what will you say when we're invaded by an army of muslims, who subjugate you, BUT have a cure for cancer? Would they be justified in doing so?

you're talking hundreds of years ago when everybody was invading as you call it ,only we were more humane than most




I must be the ultimate in 'pretend lefties' then, I've never voted Labour in my life.

I really think you're too dumb to see how funny that is:hihi::hihi:

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This documentary tonight (Tues) at 21.30hrs BBC2 “The truth about immigration” may be of interest to posters of the thread.


“In The Truth About Immigration, BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson reveals the full impact of the extraordinary demographic change Britain has undergone. Why were the doors to Britain opened to millions of migrants? And what are the benefits and perils of trying to stem the flow?”

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I really think you're too dumb to see how funny that is:hihi::hihi:


..and you're too dumb to appreciate there's a high probability there's some darkie in you.


Better book your berth beside me on the banana boat jc ;)

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This documentary tonight (Tues) at 21.30hrs BBC2 “The truth about immigration” may be of interest to posters of the thread.


“In The Truth About Immigration, BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson reveals the full impact of the extraordinary demographic change Britain has undergone. Why were the doors to Britain opened to millions of migrants? And what are the benefits and perils of trying to stem the flow?”


I thought the Daily Mail had covered all that 'truth' stuff on immigration for the past decade.........can't see what the BBC has to add to that.

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  • 6 months later...
Ignore the threats of riots.


(1) Mr Blunkett needs some free publicity


(2) Mr Blunkett needs to appease the local community to ensure his political survival in a previously-safe but now potentially-volatile community and political climate.


(3) Mr Blunkett did NOTHING to stop these same immigrants coming in when he was Secretary of State for Work and Pensions / Education and empoyment secretary / Home secretary*


*delete as appropriate


lol what kind of an idiot could write that. Although Blunkett has stood down as Labour candidate for Sheffield Brightside, whoever is selected to stand in his place as the Labour candidate will win it easily in any circumstances, even in a by election. It's one of the safest Labour seats in the country.

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