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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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Whew this story made me so sad that human beings can do that to one another.

Could this happen here?........http://blogs.channel4.com/matt-frei-on-america/roma-blog-matt-frei/3784


What do you mean could?? of course it happens here, they just dispose of the body after, instead of leaving it as a warning to others.


Lets be honest, it wasn't a random attack, it was very targeted.


The kid had been stealing stuff from people who are very obviously dangerous criminals, if you're stupid enough to do that and get caught then expect that kind of treatment.


It's not right, it's disgusting but no normal person would go anywhere near them to begin with, let alone steal their stuff.

What a frickin idiot.

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Whew this story made me so sad that human beings can do that to one another.

Could this happen here?........http://blogs.channel4.com/matt-frei-on-america/roma-blog-matt-frei/3784


What did the kid expect? he stole from dangerous criminals they were hardly going to pull him to one side and give him a hug were they.


He was playing with fire doing what he did and got burned, it's not nice what happened to him but if you go stealing from dangerous criminals you only have yourself to blame IMO.

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