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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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Now chalga, I'm usually quite supportive of your viewpoint (not least because you wind up the right-wing hate-mongers every time you post :) ) but don't forget the Roma in the Page Hall area of Sheffield are breeding rapidly.


I'm sure even those immigrants that are employed in the UK have wisened up to the fact that the more kids you have = the more benefits you receive = the more money you get!


Isn't that abusing the system?


Therefore there's more reason for them to have kids and less reason for them to ever leave the UK :roll:




But I'm not talking about the Page Hall area or Slovaks,I'm talking about the post that accused Rumanians and Bulgarians of just being in the country to abuse benefits when I just provided a link to 175,000 taking jobs.

If you want to go further and jump to them having kids,then that is you making up the story of their lives for them,not them doing what you are saying they are going to do.

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The people in question are Slovaks. Labour allowed them and the other A8 nationals unlimited working opportunities in the UK in 2004. Only Ireland and Sweden did the same. The Poles have come here and have got work in their hundreds of thousands. Bulgarians and Romanians have got work through being self-employed but this restriction is being scrapped across the EU at the end of next month. They're not abusing the system.


You've managed to get the wrong end of the stick again.

Have you ever had any dealings with these people ,of course they are abusing the system

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The Mails job is to spread Xenophobia,fear and paranoia about Eastern Europeans and as many other foreigners as it can........that's what I think.

You don't think that their article on the Page Hall Slovaks is intended to be positive do you?...............Blunketts riot predictions coming true would be manna from heaven for the Daily Mail.


Not to mention proving them right.

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Romanians and Bulgarians snap up 175,000 jobs in the UK already... and that's before the borders have even opened





175,000 Rumanians and Bulgarians have come to the UK to work in the last few years,so that makes your 'simply to abuse the system' statement meaningless........and lies.


How do I claim benefits when I get to Britain? Romanians demand help from job agencies in the UK


Romanians and Bulgarians will be entitled to certain UK benefits from January

Job agencies are said to be bombarded with people asking how to claim

British companies are advertising on Romanian websites saying 'find out if you are entitled'



More cheap labour to compete with our unemployed.

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The people in question are Slovaks. Labour allowed them and the other A8 nationals unlimited working opportunities in the UK in 2004. Only Ireland and Sweden did the same. The Poles have come here and have got work in their hundreds of thousands. Bulgarians and Romanians have got work through being self-employed but this restriction is being scrapped across the EU at the end of next month. They're not abusing the system.


You've managed to get the wrong end of the stick again.


No they didn't, what you are thinking about is the Workers Registration Scheme which was mainly seasonal crop pickers

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