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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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I'd like to know who he thinks is going to be doing the rioting?

A. Roma's

B. Slovak's

C. Somali's

D. Indian's

E. Pole's

F. Pakistani's

G. Enviromentalist's

H. Socialist's

I. Republican's

J. Capitalist's

K. Gay rights

L. Fascists's

M. Anti-Fascists

etc. etc etc.

As everyone else will have left by then.


Not to mention people opposed to too many unwanted apostrophes :)

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You know this how? What's your evidence for that assertion?

I live in a area where these people live, you can walk down the street any day you wish and see the the same faces with their up to the minute mobiles and designer clothes standing around doing nothing,the same faces will then be at the local post office milking the system for all its worth.

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Page hall on the news now, talking about the Roma.


Immigrants complaining about how other immigrant are causing problems in the area.

I've just seen that on the late news, with Nick Clegg making some comments about them.

I don't know enough about the situation at Page Hall, but in my view someone should have been available to represented the Roma side.

Those people have been discriminated all over Europe, look how many were sent to the gas chambers in the holocaust.

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I've just seen that on the late news, with Nick Clegg making some comments about them.

I don't know enough about the situation at Page Hall, but in my view someone should have been available to represented the Roma side.

Those people have been discriminated all over Europe, look how many were sent to the gas chambers in the holocaust.


Its become acceptable to discriminate against Romas. They are the last recipients of widescale discrimination.

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Expecting a migrant community to accept and live by the social norms of the host society is not discrimination. If the migrant community fails to adapt to those social norms, I don't think it's discrimination for the hosts to have a natural aversion to the migrants, any more than they have an aversion towards miscreants in their own society.

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Darnall ,page hall ect is full of migrants it's only going to get worse in the new year we open our boarders to let more people in ,my opinion its just spells trouble so much for gt Britain we are the dustbin off the world and it's going to get worse fact

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ha ha this is the guy who when in goverment let them all come in in the first place,you couldnt make it up.:hihi:

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I've just seen that on the late news, with Nick Clegg making some comments about them.

I don't know enough about the situation at Page Hall, but in my view someone should have been available to represented the Roma side.

Those people have been discriminated all over Europe, look how many were sent to the gas chambers in the holocaust.


How would anyone go about representing the Roma's right to make everyone elses life a misery. :huh:

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