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Blunkett - Influx of Roma migrants could cause riots.

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Do they have an unfair reputation do you think?


Everything I see and read about them isn't good,the pickpockets the beggars,in spain now the beggars are all Gypsies,when I was in Sheffield we employed some from an agency,they worked hard but certain things did go missing and they knew the benefit system.

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They'll come because their labour is in demand from businesses.


David Cameron, Brown and Blair before him have made no attempt to restrict this apart from kicking the can down the road.


If Cameron had tried to do anything to scupper the inflow of low waged migrants from the EU then industry would have had his nuts. He's utterly powerless to stop it regardless of whether it is actually a good thing for the UK.


The TUC through some hare-brained international brotherhood/sisterhood of workers logic will also never resist economic migration of this sort.


So there you have it despite what any of the main parties say mass influx of economic migrants to the UK will continue. It has the support of business. It has the support of unions. Only UKIP (and I'm not necessarily agreeing they have the right approach either) seem to have the balls to drive this issue into the public arena.

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Show us then? Show us the real roma, the person behind the persona. Show us all the stuff theyve done that shows everyone who doesnt like or trust them has got it wrong.





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They'll come because their labour is in demand from businesses. <etc.>
It's more complicated than that.


Economical migration, here and elsewhere, has always existed, since well before 1997. Particularly in times of economical hardship, whether domestic or international.


They'll come, like all the others before them (me included), because they see the UK as the land of best opportunities (out of the whole EU), accessible at least inconvenience (distance, regulations, etc.)


Which they can't be blamed for. At all.

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They'll come because their labour is in demand from businesses.



But the far right and anti immigration activists are telling us they are coming for benefits,how can that be right if they are coming because they are in demand from businesses?.

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Great links. The first one shows 10 people tidying up after the less of the other 1,800 in the community.


The second link tells us that they either don't work, sell the big issue or have a job with the council as interpreters so they can help the others gain access to schools, healthcare and benefits.


What a contribution.

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