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There is no profit in kindness, care or social responsibility anymore!

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Once upon a time when values and society was not so obsessed with greed, the milkman delivered milk to your doorstep every day, which was part of the service, from the milk company.


The milk cost no more than it cost in the shops, and thus was accepted as normal practice, and was helpful too. Eventually the milkman took to selling other goods alongside with the milk, and customers accepted this practice as normal.


Obviously the supermarkets allowed customers to buy milk there and take it home themselves thus the milkman and his service died out.


Today we have electricity delivered to our homes, which we accept as normal, and as the price goes up, we all agree we can do nothing about it, and will never understand things, due to confidentiality, where companies can crate many other interconnected companies that buy, sell, buy and sell till it is eventually sold to the company at an inflated price, that is restricted by law not to exceed profits of around 3%. So they get round that one easily.


Like the milkman we pay, and accept price rises as normal. But there the two part company as the milk man paid for repairs to his vehicle, and breakages out of the profits, and there were profits. The Energy companies want us to pay for new vehicles, and maintenance on top of the price of energy, while maintaining high bonuses, and high shareholder payouts. So we now pay for profit, energy and upgrades, while the energy companies rip us all off, maintaining their monopoly and exploiting the imperfect laws with armies or lawyers and accountants, outsmarting governments at every move.


When stagecoaches were the norm, passengers were sometimes asked to get out of the coach and push if it got stuck, or to lighten the load to free the wheels. We are in a sense being asked to not just pay for out ticket, get out and push, but to also pay for new wheels and upholstery, horses and meals for the driver and company, on top of the ticket price. We need to go where we are going and it seems to me to a rather ingenious form of highway robbery.


Sadly it seems people accept this form of blackmail as normal, and so Let us all play a game, where we accept that profits are more important that people. It is in bad taste, but the reality make bad taste seem unimportant. What rise in numbers, or percentage rise in the figures this winter, will the death rate rise above normal due to the relentless drive that greed necessitates??? And can we expect a bumper crop next winter, and to accept rises in death rates due to unaffordable price rises in energy, as we accept rises in the bills?


Might the two be related?

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I do not have to tell anyone they are stupid, what would be the point? Everyone is normally good at something, and difference is not stupid, its difference.


So if you go into a room or rocket scientists, who are discussing aspects of physics and maths, which is completely over your head, does that mean you are stupid?




What it does is make you feel you do not fit as they are talking a language that you are not familiar with. Because of this feeling one is in the wrong place or something one can feel outclassed, even if one is not.


They become clever while you feel stupid, because you are made aware you do not or did not know what was going on.


So no one has to tell you are stupid, as some people in such circumstances tell themselves. They feel stupid, as that is the only way they can understand how they feel, and the reaction to this is a form of defence, and they blame others for making them feel the way they do. We all know that when anyone starts to defend themselves in public, it appears they are being aggressive, although they might not think they are, but the other party feels they are.


So aggression and stupidity are also linked.


Remember one thing, never stop learning as knowledge is POWER.


What is power? Do you or does anyone know?


Well power does not exist, you cannot buy a packet of it can you.


Power is assumed, its psychological, and I have no power at all, but people that feel they are stupid give me the power they feel they do not possess.


So you think I have power, think I am telling people on this forum they are stupid, when in fact by stating you think that you are actually telling me you feel stupid, you feel ill informed, and sadly or worse off all you and they do nothing about it but moan.


Get off your lazy arse, and check what people write out, its on wikipedia, or google, read and lean, and after a time everyone else will tell you that you are telling them they are stupid, when in fact they are telling the world how they feel.


Simple psychology, and if in doubt ask a child of 5-6 how they feel when you demonstrate how to add stuff up quickly. They will tell you they feel overwhelmed and out competed, some will sulk, a favourite on this site, and some will go away and next time, when you add up figures will tell you the answer while you are still thinking it, and the tables will be reversed.


The truth is however stupid you feel you are, unfortunately I have the capacity to make your stupidity seem a non event. I am at times so stupid, so dumb, that either I laugh or commit suicide. I have not met a single person that can out compete me in stupidity. In fact my success, my complete life is nothing but a matter of making some of the dumbest mistakes imaginable. The difference is I am proud I made them, and without the millions of mistakes, and people informing me, and laughing at my ignorance, I would not be the person I have become, and love what emerged.

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I do not have to tell anyone they are stupid, what would be the point? Everyone is normally good at something, and difference is not stupid, its difference.


So if you go into a room or rocket scientists, who are discussing aspects of physics and maths, which is completely over your head, does that mean you are stupid?




What it does is make you feel you do not fit as they are talking a language that you are not familiar with. Because of this feeling one is in the wrong place or something one can feel outclassed, even if one is not.


They become clever while you feel stupid, because you are made aware you do not or did not know what was going on.


So no one has to tell you are stupid, as some people in such circumstances tell themselves. They feel stupid, as that is the only way they can understand how they feel, and the reaction to this is a form of defence, and they blame others for making them feel the way they do. We all know that when anyone starts to defend themselves in public, it appears they are being aggressive, although they might not think they are, but the other party feels they are.


So aggression and stupidity are also linked.


Remember one thing, never stop learning as knowledge is POWER.


What is power? Do you or does anyone know?


Well power does not exist, you cannot buy a packet of it can you.


Power is assumed, its psychological, and I have no power at all, but people that feel they are stupid give me the power they feel they do not possess.


So you think I have power, think I am telling people on this forum they are stupid, when in fact by stating you think that you are actually telling me you feel stupid, you feel ill informed, and sadly or worse off all you and they do nothing about it but moan.


Get off your lazy arse, and check what people write out, its on wikipedia, or google, read and lean, and after a time everyone else will tell you that you are telling them they are stupid, when in fact they are telling the world how they feel.


Simple psychology, and if in doubt ask a child of 5-6 how they feel when you demonstrate how to add stuff up quickly. They will tell you they feel overwhelmed and out competed, some will sulk, a favourite on this site, and some will go away and next time, when you add up figures will tell you the answer while you are still thinking it, and the tables will be reversed.


The truth is however stupid you feel you are, unfortunately I have the capacity to make your stupidity seem a non event. I am at times so stupid, so dumb, that either I laugh or commit suicide. I have not met a single person that can out compete me in stupidity. In fact my success, my complete life is nothing but a matter of making some of the dumbest mistakes imaginable. The difference is I am proud I made them, and without the millions of mistakes, and people informing me, and laughing at my ignorance, I would not be the person I have become, and love what emerged.


One of the dumbest things I ever did, was to do a psychology degree. OK so that sounds clever I assume, but the reason I did it was far from clever. I got sick of sex, it became like a job, and unlike a job I was not getting paid for it, so I thought that in getting a degree I wouldnat least get paid to have sex, as opposed to having to do it for free. Is that dumb or not!?? Women are insatiable, one is bad, two are difficult 10 are mind boggling and higher numbers are a soddin nightmare.


Do you have a milkman?


Go on, lie. It'll only take 3 strokes on the keyboard.

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