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Gastric Bands: Encouraging the obese to be even lazier?

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Can fat people live off their own body fat if they're not fed. If so, starve the fat lazy gits. Too many fat people go on about "it's in my genes" or "it's a medical condition". Where were these so called genetic defects and conditions 30 years ago then when people were much fitter?

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I've seen programmes where the obese person cannot get out of bed allegedly. So they can't cook, who is putting food in their mouths?


A carer?


If you cared for someone surely you would want the best for them and not indulge them


There's a two-way fetish scene around this. There was a programme on TV about it. Feeders and gainers. You get one person who gets a thrill from feeding somebody and another who gets a thrill from eating and being brought food by somebody. On the documentary one woman had took herself from being fat-ish not too bad to being virtually bed-ridden. Her skinny husband brought her food all the time, even when she couldn't hardly move he was bringing trays of chicken and cakes. Really shocking stuff.


Here's a link to this kind of stuff



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How can these people be obese and on benefits? Surely you can't buy enough food to remain large on benefits. If you can there is something wrong somewhere.

I think the main thing obese people need to exercise is restraint.


---------- Post added 25-11-2013 at 14:10 ----------


Oh and Mr Bloom, fat does equal quite lazy in most cases. You don't see many 25 stone 5k,10k or marathon runners!


I now see where your user name comes from. :hihi:

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As a friend of mine often says 'there were no obese people walking out of Belsen / Auschwitz '. A very sad example of the true extent of the cause of obesity rarely being 'in the genes' or 'due to a medical condition'.

The truth is that if eaten calories are not exercised off they will be retained in the body as fat. Eat less and exercise more if possible and the weight will fall off .

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Lets be honest, these people are already lazy. Anyone can lose weight, you just need to make the effort.


People over a certain BMI should be charged more in tax to cover the the cost of medical help they will receive.


The government uses taxation to socially engineer us already, so why not tax the fat?

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There's a two-way fetish scene around this. There was a programme on TV about it. Feeders and gainers. You get one person who gets a thrill from feeding somebody and another who gets a thrill from eating and being brought food by somebody. On the documentary one woman had took herself from being fat-ish not too bad to being virtually bed-ridden. Her skinny husband brought her food all the time, even when she couldn't hardly move he was bringing trays of chicken and cakes. Really shocking stuff.


Here's a link to this kind of stuff




Thank you for that. It is shocking stuff but very interesting.

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How can these people be obese and on benefits? Surely you can't buy enough food to remain large on benefits. If you can there is something wrong somewhere.

I think the main thing obese people need to exercise is restraint.


---------- Post added 25-11-2013 at 14:10 ----------


Oh and Mr Bloom, fat does equal quite lazy in most cases. You don't see many 25 stone 5k,10k or marathon runners!

How as this thread all of a sudden come round to people who live on the dole?

Everybody assumes that if you are overweight you are on the dole and a lazy layabout.I am overweight and work 12 hours a day six days a bloody week and it makes me angry to be told by somebody who might not work as hard as me that I am lazy.Once again the people on here pigeon hole others,people they have never met ,people they know nothing about,Get a life idiots.

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  • 1 month later...
How as this thread all of a sudden come round to people who live on the dole?

Everybody assumes that if you are overweight you are on the dole and a lazy layabout.I am overweight and work 12 hours a day six days a bloody week and it makes me angry to be told by somebody who might not work as hard as me that I am lazy.Once again the people on here pigeon hole others,people they have never met ,people they know nothing about,Get a life idiots.


I think that by 'lazy' people are referring to the undeniable tendency of most obese people not to (physically) exercise, or to their unwillingness to make the (mental) effort to embark on a healthy eating regime.


Both amount to laziness, even if the fat person is holding down a job and not just slobbing around on the sofa all day.

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The current TV advert for this dangerous surgical procedure treats it like a casual joke, but is this dangerously misleading ?


And doesn't this idiotic and irresponsible message lead more and more obese people to simply fill their faces and, when they need it, let the over-burdened NHS take up the slack?


You drawing conclusions that are wholly biased in favor of your prejudice.


Your expecting people to really believe that people go out and overly eat and become obese because they know they can get a gastric band further on in life ?


Your making out that its some sort of goal when I'm sure the truth is that people that suffer obesity don't think about it at all until they really need to or after the advice from medical professionals.


The type of food that people eat is as much a factor as how much someone eats these days, and I bet the majority of obese people are poor.


---------- Post added 29-12-2013 at 17:50 ----------


Would it not be cheaper to sew there gobs up?


Well done, the target audience has arrived :D


---------- Post added 29-12-2013 at 17:54 ----------


If the obese people receive benefits because they are too fat to work, would it work out cheaper to let them have the gastric band operation and then there would be no excuse?


Maybe it would have been cheaper still to not have sold off all the school playing fields ?


Or if there was more legislation in the food industry ?


Have more jobs available with a livable wage ?


If your going to fix something then its always best to look at the root cause of things rather than try address the problem after the fact.


---------- Post added 29-12-2013 at 17:57 ----------


Just lock them in the room on strict rations for a few months, it will achieve the same result.


Ah, life is so simple when your perfect ;)


Maybe we could stick a pc in there with internet access so they could troll themselves fit ? :hihi:

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