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CSA advise please

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Dont expect the CSA to chase the mother. They don't care when its women. This was tested some time back when a research company setup fake claims and recorded the responses. It took a few weeks for the CSA to chase an absent father. It took on average 16 weeks for them to chase an absent mother, if they even bothered as a large number of cases were ignored. This is what happens when you staff an organisation with a bunch of men hating, robinhood complex driven women.


Now back to the question. If the child is living with another family member, they will need to start a new claim and both parents will be required to pay 50% of the assessment to the new guardian.


The NACSA may be a good group to get some impartial advice on the subject. http://www.nacsa.co.uk/


However do not expect the CSA to follow the law. Do not expect them to follow their own rules or guidelines. You are at the mercy of the caseworker who is judge jury and executioner.

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Had a run in with them have you wex?


I wouldn't **** on them of they were on fire. Their actions caused me to lose access to my son by lying to my ex and breaching data protections laws in the process.


When I tried to fight them, my solicitor told me to give up as they answer to no one and can do what they like. I would be wasting my money.


There is a book of all the men who have committed suicide due to the CSA's actions and they have never been made to answer a single question about their possible role. They are a national disgrace.

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Thats shocking. Im sorry to hear that. I had no idea they were so useless.


If I told you the entire story, I could have you in tears, but its long past now. I can't say the anger with them has abated, but I learned to live with the situation that was out of my control. Thanks for the sentiment.


Infact when I first read your reply, I read "soulless" instead of "useless". I think this is exactly their problem. They do not care about anyone, not the mother, the father or most importantly the child. All they care about is the money and they will use any means to extract it.

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If I told you the entire story, I could have you in tears, but its long past now. I can't say the anger with them has abated, but I learned to live with the situation that was out of my control. Thanks for the sentiment.


Infact when I first read your reply, I read "soulless" instead of "useless". I think this is exactly their problem. They do not care about anyone, not the mother, the father or most importantly the child. All they care about is the money and they will use any means to extract it.


No problem hun

Well done for getting on with things and not letting it control your life.

That takes guts :thumbsup:

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