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Epilepsy Test

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Originally posted by t020

Don't worry about it too much. Different people find different things funny. I don't find it funny at all really either. There may be epileptic users of this forum who may even take offence.


Each to there own, it has an warning issued on it and its only a light hearted joke but some people on this forum seem a 'tad' up tight...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by t020

There may be epileptic users of this forum who may even take offence.



Speaking for my kind (thats epileptics by the way) i beleive that if more people were less up tight and laughed about this sort of stuff as they do other conditions there may be less fear and ignorance. I sware some people still believe we are posessed by the devil, either that or feel that we need protecting. I am neither bewitched nor a delicate little flower that needs careful treatment.

P.S before anyone goes into a panic and thinks i must have collapsed as soon as i clicked on the link and can't have possibly read the warning and understood it (what with my defective brain and all) i am perfectly well and got a friend to view the wicked, wicked site!! If you don't find something funny fair enough just don't take up any crusades on my account.

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