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Will self on the hijab

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I guess it depends what your mindset is. Ive said a thousand times on this forum once Islam (or any other doctrine for that matter) starts to influence my life negatively then I'll be the first donning jack boots and a blunderbuss.


I supose it does depend on your mindset. I'd prefer we didn't wait until the opportunity for peaceful resolution was gone and it was blnderbuss time.

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I make no apology for responding robustly to people who are unable to approach the issue of Islam or more specifically Muslims with an open mind. What you don't know is that I approach Muslims with a similar mindset in the same way, it isn't about debating coherent differences of opinion.


We are being told is to ignore a millenia of Islamic history and to ignore how we see people currently living in Muslim countries because it is different here in Britain. It is apparently different because the influence of Western culture will somehow tame the extremism, the intolerance and the injustice we see plaguing Islamic cultures.


That to me is not being open minded... it is closed minded.

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We are being told is to ignore a millenia of Islamic history and to ignore how we see people currently living in Muslim countries because it is different here in Britain. It is apparently different because the influence of Western culture will somehow tame the extremism, the intolerance and the injustice we see plaguing Islamic cultures.


That to me is not being open minded... it is closed minded.


Egypt 2013. Turkey 2015/2016. Romania 2020. Syria?????????????

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Yes. Will Self was right and folk like you will pose a danger to us all by stupidly turning a blind eye and appeasement.
Will Self was right?


We should not be afraid of the niqab, and welcome it into Britain for the cultural enrichment it provides?


I'm surprised at such tolerance from you, vinyl :hihi:

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We are being told is to ignore a millenia of Islamic history and to ignore how we see people currently living in Muslim countries because it is different here in Britain. It is apparently different because the influence of Western culture will somehow tame the extremism, the intolerance and the injustice we see plaguing Islamic cultures.


That to me is not being open minded... it is closed minded.


Have you not considered that many of the Muslims living in western democracies are here for that reason?


---------- Post added 19-11-2013 at 10:27 ----------


I think you need to spend less time posting crap on your computer and actually get out and see the real world for yourself.


So do you have a view on the OP and the article linked to in it?


I'm guessing from your previous response that you didn't understand it.


---------- Post added 19-11-2013 at 10:30 ----------


We are being told is to ignore a millenia of Islamic history and to ignore how we see people currently living in Muslim countries because it is different here in Britain. It is apparently different because the influence of Western culture will somehow tame the extremism, the intolerance and the injustice we see plaguing Islamic cultures.


That to me is not being open minded... it is closed minded.


Incidentally I think the interests of the super rich will prevail over all doctrines.


Billionaires of all religious persuasions are united in their desire to accumulate more wealth, they're the ones who hold the purse strings, political influence and power.

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So do you have a view on the OP and the article linked to in it?


I'm guessing from your previous response that you didn't understand it..


I'm guessing that you are going to waste another day out of your life promoting the virtues of Islam to folk who don't believe a word you say.


What shift are you on today?

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No view then.


I have a view stated many times.


It is quite clear. If Muslims want to settle in this country and assimilate themselves I have no problem with that. However if they want to impose their way of life on us and turn our country into a replica of the cesspit they escaped from that is another matter.

Muslims seem to be the only group that isn't prepared to integrate into our society. They expect us to integrate into theirs and would, given half a chance, impose Sharia Law on the rest of us.


More dangerous however are folk like you who try to convince everyone that the Trojan Horse is benign and should be taken to the heart of our community. Fortunately most people can see straight through you and your foolish notions.

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I have a view stated many times.


It is quite clear. If Muslims want to settle in this country and assimilate themselves I have no problem with that. However if they want to impose their way of life on us

Given the nature of the OP it sounds more like we want to impose our way of life on them.

and turn our country into a replica of the cesspit they escaped from that is another matter.

Muslims seem to be the only group that isn't prepared to integrate into our society. They expect us to integrate into theirs and would, given half a chance, impose Sharia Law on the rest of us.

Do you know this is or is it just speculation? Do you even know what sharia courts are and how they function in the UK? Incidentally my youngest has many Muslim friends who are happy to integrate-swear, drink beer, eat sausages and behave like any other teenagers-they're the future not you or I.


More dangerous however are folk like you who try to convince everyone that the Trojan Horse is benign and should be taken to the heart of our community.

Hmm, an interesting perspective. I don't know about you but I was brought up in a Christian household to respect other cultures and take people how I find them.


Based on experience I've no reason to regard Muslims any differently from any other group of people and I certainly won't jig to the drum beating of people who just seem to have a dislike of them.


Fortunately most people can see straight through you and your foolish notions.

That's absolutely fine, Im not seeking to convert anyone but at the same time I'm not going to let crass, spiteful, inaccurate generalisations about any group of people go unchallenged-I offered the same view to the firebreathing Muslims I used to encounter on an Islamic site similar to this one..you and they are two sides of the same coin.
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