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Will self on the hijab

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IN fact the Qur'an DOES tell men that they should be covered, modestly. Both men and women are instructed to cover that which is precious, (ie what you would not normally "display", so for women, the bosom and private area, and for men, their private area. for men it's navel to knee, at least, and for women, bosom to knee)

I agree so far, and can't see a problem with it.



It's not actually mandatory that the face be covered,

Again I agree.



it's the head/ hair that is meant to be covered.
This is the daft part, why? it contradicts the first part, whats precious about the hair and why would it not normally be displayed



And, as Boyfriday has said, above, the three Abrahamic religions all have instruction that the woman's hair be covered.
All written by men.



Most frohm (observant) Jewish women wear a scarf or wig ( a "Shteitl"), and the Christian woman is also told to cover her head.

By men.

Again, we aren't told to cover our faces.

Some are.


Some women do take the concept of covering to a further degree, by covering the face. Here in the west, thankfully, it's usually by choice, and not something forced on them.


Something that made me chuckle with a little irony, regarding the "wearing the veil in a court of law" issue, was this:-


Many have said "Ah but... You need to SEE the person who is speaking, to observe their body language, and to ascertain whether they are being truthful...


So, does this mean, then, that no-one who is blind, or partially sighted, could be trusted to sit on a jury? Do you absolutely need the power of sight to ascertain whether someone is truthful? of course not, that would be a ridiculous supposition, and highly insulting towards someone who is blind, denigrating their ability to adjudge between evidence presented to them as being genuine or false.


Its almost like you are implying being blind isn't a disability, blind people are clearly at a disadvantage over sighted people, some of those disadvantages can be overcome over time. But I don't think a jury of blindfolded people will perform as well as a sighted jury.

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Its almost like you are implying being blind isn't a disability, blind people are clearly at a disadvantage over sighted people, some of those disadvantages can be overcome over time. But I don't think a jury of blindfolded people will perform as well as a sighted jury.


(My bold) no, I'm not saying that being blind is not a disability:- I'm saying that the concept that a blind person can't tell if they are being lied to does them a disservice, and using that same logic, as applied to the woman in a niqaab, is wrong.


and I won't deign to deal with the other points, about who did or didn't write the scriptures, and whether it was man or God, as that's a lengthy debate and a subjective one where the answer will never be thrashed out to the satisfaction of all, in this life.

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Its quite worrying that some seem to think he's in any way right. He's a complete idiot, who fortunately, for him, can spell, so he wrote some crap books...


He can also use an apostrophe correctly and follow basic rules of grammar.


Which probably makes him more intelligent than you.


Which probably gives his opinion more weight than yours.

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He can also use an apostrophe correctly and follow basic rules of grammar.


Which probably makes him more intelligent than you.


Which probably gives his opinion more weight than yours.


Which of his books did you read?




Do you think I would spend some time reading his clap trap. Even when sat on a public toilet I'd sooner read the personal messages on the wall..

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You do live in a strange realty.


It is called panic, necessity, and insecurity.


---------- Post added 17-11-2013 at 00:34 ----------


Seem like there's a tradition on Sheffield Forum for Mellthebell to start fire stoking threads and the same old loonies to humour him with the same old rubbish over and over again.

Enough already.


Mellthebell, end it.


They live in a parallel universe to real people.

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Its quite worrying that some seem to think he's in any way right. He's a complete idiot, who fortunately, for him, can spell, so he wrote some crap books...


Well said :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 17-11-2013 at 00:39 ----------


He can also use an apostrophe correctly and follow basic rules of grammar.


Which probably makes him more intelligent than you.


Which probably gives his opinion more weight than yours.


Not really ;)

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Do you think I would spend some time reading his clap trap. Even when sat on a public toilet I'd sooner read the personal messages on the wall..


I can believe that.


So you haven't read any of his books yet you criticise said books?:huh:


How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct.

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