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Will self on the hijab

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I can't recall seeing many Christian women with their head covered whilst shopping in ASDA, apart from the odd nun.



True, but the text is not requesting that they should.


Ps I dont normally see Christian women with their head covered whilst worshipping either for that matter.


To be fair, it is quite traditional to wear a hat to church. Although I regret I am not a regular attender. By the way, I am not wanting to get into a disagreement about it, as I say, live and let live. I couldn't care a jot what people wear, I just posted to express what I read into the text.


I think I messed this up editing, hope you can understand it.

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To be fair, it is quite traditional to wear a hat to church. Although I regret I am not a regular attender. By the way, I am not wanting to get into a disagreement about it, as I say, live and let live. I couldn't care a jot what people wear, I just posted to express what I read into the text.

yeah it is a traditional dress for women to go to church all dressed up with anice hat on, i see some of the older ladies going to our local churches all dressed up when im out with the dog

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To be fair, it is quite traditional to wear a hat to church. Although I regret I am not a regular attender. By the way, I am not wanting to get into a disagreement about it, as I say, live and let live. I couldn't care a jot what people wear, I just posted to express what I read into the text.


Dont worry Im not seeking an argument either :)


I was simply pointing out to another poster that it wasn't only Muslims who place peculiar requirements on what women wear.

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hadith: First, a woman’s body should be covered such that only her face, hands, and feet are revealed. Secondly, the clothing must be loose enough so that the shape of a woman’s body is not visible.


Yes- you're narrating the BELIEVING women's guide to an Islamic dress- not to all Muslims. Both men and women who believe are asked to dress modestly and in loose clothing.


It was Islam that uplifted the status of women. It gave women rights they never had before.

Similarly, there are exhortations for women to lower their gaze if strange men are around.

The Quran also speaks about the hijab for men and women to protect the modesty.

There are descriptions for a female hijab, that it should cover the endowments including head, not be tight, not be transparent, not be like the clothes of non-believers, and not be like the clothes of the other gender, etc. Women got the right to own, inherit property, and to dispose it of at will.



Let me ask you a question: Suppose two identical twin sisters are walking down a street, and one of them is dressed in revealing clothing, while the other one is wearing a hijab. Who will be boys in the street whistle at or tease: the one who is scantily dressed in a mini-skirt, or the one who is modestly attired? The answer is obvious. The hijab is designed to prevent women from being molested. It brings peace to society and prevents mischief.


Pretty simple if you ask me.



Quran 9:29

Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.


yes- and please explain the context of the verse.. I await your answer and let you do your own homework:rolleyes:




No chance, if I see you oppressing people I will speak out and you have no right to silence me. That is the way in Most Islamic countries but it is not the way in our nation.


Ahhh.. so sweet of you. Please read Islamic history and see how it deals with oppression and tyrants - it was why Islam was born. If a person is oppressed in any form it is not due to Islam as I made clear from the references given in last post. No compulsion in religion- which part of that does your brain fail to comprehend??


I can also quote Quran verses until the cows come home if you like, but this one is probably the most poignant:


Quran 4:34

Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.


No you cannot if you just fling them out and have no knowledge of their context and history and I doubt you even can speak or read any Arabic.


Ah, see you have quoted the verse about treatment of women etc- what do you understand from this? Please do explain as I am very keen to know.


I will give you some of a heads up- firstly, does the religion of Islam in anyway or shape encourage beating of women?! NO.


PLEASE don't be such an ignorant- go do your studies and research, I really don't want to be wasting time trying to educate you on a damn forum. If you really want to satisfy your so called knowledge- then go and learn. THEN come back and tell me what you have read- FROM ISLAMIC sources- not running to your anti Muslim sites.


But I will give you some education- the Quran totally objects to any mistreatment of women. (And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.) (Ar-Rum 30: 21)


Also, marriage is sacred in Islam and women are to be treated with the utmost respect and care. I have come across that verse you 'flung' out so many times it is nauseating- it's like the anti Muslim's favourite:hihi:


Do you want some explanation on this- it is free my friend.:)


Tranquility (sakan), love (mawaddah) and mercy (rahmah) are very important concepts in Islam. These three summarize the ideals of Islamic marriage.


The man is given the role to protect his wife/his family and the main provider- that does not mean the wife cannot work etc...but unlike non Islamic societies, she is not required to labour away day in day out or be required to pay for her or the maintainance of the home. So that is pretty clear in Islam- it is the husbands main role to provide this.


Also the Prophet said ""How does anyone of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then embrace (sleep with) her?" ( Reported by Al-Bukhari). So he was totally against this- and he had many wives and not one ever, EVER mentioned him of hitting or abusing them.




As Islam is not part of the British or western society and has been brought to our shores by people wishing to come and work, live and raise families within our culture, it is easy consider our culture is superior to that of these cultures being left behind, otherwise why leave?


Yeah- because no one in British takes up any values from other cultures and religions..:rolleyes:

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I can't recall seeing many Christian women with their head covered whilst shopping in ASDA, apart from the odd nun.


Ps I dont normally see Christian women with their head covered whilst worshipping either for that matter.


You probably would in some of the more orthadox churches in Europe.

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Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.


Another free lesson..


The word used in this verse (on the type of woman) is nushuz.


When it comes to the nushuz of wives, it is interpreted by different well-known translators as disloyalty, ill-conduct, rebellion, desertion, non-compliance, or arrogance.


Now, think how this fits in some homes- all are possible, be it in an Islamic home or non Islamic. Hell, domestic violence is pretty much a UK problem and can affect anyone...don't tell me the next time a white non Muslim beats his partner up.. you're going to say it was due to the Quran:hihi:


Anyway, jokes apart- the verse you put up (thinking you had hit a home run) actually tells how the situation should be dealt with- so it is not to go out bombs blasting- or in the case of some non Muslim homes, get drunk and beat the crap out of your partner..


So, the Quran gives steps to deal with it in a manner that will hopefully remove the tension and make the person realize they have made an error.


This could be non communication, not sharing the bed etc. It does not recommend you beat them just for the sake of it. And the word beating is not as you would think when looking it up in your general dictionary.


The Prophet explained it by "dharban ghayra mubarrih" which means "a light tap that leaves no mark".


So if it resorts to that- every effort must be taken to avoid any harm and to avoid the face- if a person beats his wife or partner to crap- that has not bearing to anything in the Quran or Islam- that is just plain violence and YOU KNOW ALL TYPES OF MEN CAN DO THAT TO A WOMAN.


Only different is, Islam has principles and guidelines set to help deal with matters and the best of you is the one who is best to his wives'..now who said that..his name was Mohammed Ibn Abdullah, we Muslims refer to him as Prophet Muhammad.


"The believers who show the most perfect Faith are those who have the best behaviour, and the best of you are those who are the best to their wives".[At-Tirmidhi]

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It was you that tried to claim non muslims weren't free to pick the type of clothes they wear. I merely pointed to how stupid that claim was. I added the bit about non Muslim women being made to cover their heads or faces in backwards Muslim countries because it happens to be a fact, and one of the few instances where non muslims have to worry about how they choose to dress. The fact that this gets your back up shows that you know it to be true. If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.


I didn't say non Muslims were not free to pick the type of clothes they wear, you have miss read my post.

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Wex (and others) a piece of advice, don't let your dislike and hatred of something come in the way of learning.


May be you may learn something you never knew and see it in a total different light. Don't let your pride make you keep coming back trying to prove you know better than Muslims- when it comes to the religion.


Sometimes it is worth to really do your research.

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