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Will self on the hijab

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Wex (and others) a piece of advice, don't let your dislike and hatred of something come in the way of learning.


May be you may learn something you never knew and see it in a total different light. Don't let your pride make you keep coming back trying to prove you know better than Muslims- when it comes to the religion.


Sometimes it is worth to really do your research.


No fear of that and some of use appear to know far more about Islam than some of the members that claim to be Muslims. :)

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No fear of that and some of use appear to know far more about Islam than some of the members that claim to be Muslims. :)


They only know what they were brain washed to know.

its weird that cos i could say similer to you lot, you only know the bits that back up your hatred of the faith

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its weird that cos i could say similer to you lot, you only know the bits that back up your hatred of the faith


Clearly if any part of the unchanging word of God, gives Gods followers the moral right to kill non believers, which it does, then it is a religion worthy of being hated. But because I know that God doesn't exist I feel bitty for them rather than hate, to me the vast majority of Muslims are victims.

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I used to think that Nuns looked like bats, with their black clothes flapping about them even in a breeze, and that made me laugh.


Maybe its because I see life from the perspective of the "kings New Clothes" where the absurd is absurd, and I am not so conditioned by superficial cultural values.


So when the plethora of nuns were replaced by something more absurd, but also worn in the name of piety, I am most glad, as it makes me smile, and what is wrong with that. I am not laughing at the person, but at what they consider to be used in the public sphere, to project a specific image.


If it was Ok to Laugh a hippies, punks, and the rest of the fashions people regard as their tribal identity, and all the world is a stage, then why should not an audience react to the show displayed.


One is fair game in public, but I am not saying that what one is born with should be ridiculed, as all of us did not choose the parents, or body we inherited, just what crap they have clothed themselves with culturally, visually, psychologically in the attempt to be grow up adults. We are all actors, just look at your costumes, and just because it fits with some tribal group does not mean it is the answer the only answer to PLAYING JUST ONE SMALL PART IN THE PLAY OF LIFE

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Wex (and others) a piece of advice, don't let your dislike and hatred of something come in the way of learning.


May be you may learn something you never knew and see it in a total different light. Don't let your pride make you keep coming back trying to prove you know better than Muslims- when it comes to the religion.


Sometimes it is worth to really do your research.


I don't dislike Islam, I hate it but not the people who subscribe to its teachings, those I consider to be misguided.


Many will consider my position to be that of a racist, but they too are misguided as Islam does not cover one race. The same people wouldn't bat an eyelid if I said the same about Christianity and that is why these defenders of Islam who themselves are not part of the religion. Are only there for themselves, to make them feel better. They will slip away just as soon as another cause takes their fancy.


So why am I not being racist when I show my dislike for the religion. Its for one reason, I don't see other religions from the same parts of the world as equal to Islam it its teachings of hate and barbaric means of treating women, animals and pretty much whatever is not a man. Hindu's for example, I have a lot of praise for them, their religion really does appear to be a religion of peace. They welcome, they help and they support, irrespective of the religious persuasions of the helpee.


Someone like yourself would just think of a reason to disregard what I say, that is the default position of anyone who simply cannot think like another. You do not, will not and are incapable of looking at your religion from any other angle than your own and you consider anyone who disagrees with you as simply wrong.


I have spent years speaking with and talking to Muslims. Unlike you I continually try to speak those on the opposite side of my point of view so that I can learn, understand and appreciate their standpoint. One day I hope to find a true muslim who is forward thinking, prepared to throw off the old traditions, who treats women with respect and who is willing to fully integrate into the western society. To date I can count on one hand those who have fulfilled 1-2 of those criteria.


You may claim that Islam is the religion of peace but we are not idiots, we see the daily reports of violence in the name of islam. You can try to distance yourself from these, but all that does is make people distrust you even more. Your religion is rotten to the core, your inability to stem the evil within is causing the hatred, which breeds more evil. The outside world cannot resolve this by accepting your words. We need action and you need to clean out the trash as they will be your end.

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I think Wex's post is a fair summary of how most people feel about Islam when displaying its public aspect. How the mass of Muslims practise it may be different, of course. But that mass of temperate Muslims is going to suffer along with the rest of us if the fundamentalists are allowed to take over in the West.


As to modern day nuns, you very rarely see any even wearing an up to date version of the habit. At our street bonfire party in East London, the resident nuns from the convent over the wall came to enjoy the evening. All were wearing trousers, padded jackets, and not even a woolly hat, certainly not a headress. And they enjoyed the mulled wine and burgers. They're just more or less the same as the rest of us these days. Except they do more praying and good works


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I think Wex's post is a fair summary of how most people feel about Islam when displaying its public aspect. How the mass of Muslims practise it may be different, of course. But that mass of temperate Muslims is going to suffer along with the rest of us if the fundamentalists are allowed to take over in the West.


As to modern day nuns, you very rarely see any even wearing an up to date version of the habit. At our street bonfire party in East London, the resident nuns from the convent over the wall came to enjoy the evening. All were wearing trousers, padded jackets, and not even a woolly hat, certainly not a headress. And they enjoyed the mulled wine and burgers. They're just more or less the same as the rest of us these days. Except they do more praying and good works



It's an interesting observation though isn't it, no one batted an eyelid when they saw a nun walking down the street in full habit and wimple, it never created any hostility in fact most of us admired their sacrifice, even though when put under analysis they're pretty odd individuals.

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It's an interesting observation though isn't it, no one batted an eyelid when they saw a nun walking down the street in full habit and wimple, it never created any hostility in fact most of us admired their sacrifice, even though when put under analysis they're pretty odd individuals.
Why should anyone have? It was their working uniform and no one batted an eyelid at ordinary women wearing a headscarf either, which all old women including the Queen seemed to wear on informal occasions.


It seems old fashioned nowadays for women to wear a headscarf, I don't have any problem with adult women wearing a headscarf, dislike to see little girls in them, or at school either, shouldn't be allowed. It's almost child abuse imo. I do have a major problem with the face mask though for reasons I've posted loads of time before so won't labour the point.

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It's an interesting observation though isn't it, no one batted an eyelid when they saw a nun walking down the street in full habit and wimple, it never created any hostility in fact most of us admired their sacrifice, even though when put under analysis they're pretty odd individuals.


Yeah but a nun is a "professional" religious person. Most women in full face coverings will have a job as mother at least. You might get strict Catholics wearing a headscarf but so what? Nobody in their right mind would object to a Catholic/Muslim etc headscarf any more than a turban or skullcap - you'd be a bigot and an arse. But a full face covering to most people, certainly those in the sticks who aren't exposed to a lot of different cultures, comes across as odd, suspicious and secretive. Will self lives in world where this is common place - many other people don't.

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