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Groundfighting/Grappling class


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Hey Berbick


In no way is this a politcally related question ;) what are your credentials for teaching grappling/groundwork? I think this would be useful for everyone considering attending your class. Also could you explain how your class is structured?


On another note isn't it amazing to see the amount of interest in grappling on this forum, just look at the amount of people that have checked out the bjj related topics. Great news for the sport.


thanks in advance

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Hi Trevor,


Could be wrong but haven't we trained together?


Can you confirm you’re starting this weekend and finish times?


Could you also give more details about your format, it suggests with fitness and training/rolling there’s no instruction of techniques? (this could be a good thing:thumbsup: )





ps, any chance of one big post answering all the above too:thumbsup:

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I have trained with you in the past John at 393.


Start times are 11.30, class will run for an hour and 10 mins, rent is quite steep and so cannot rent for much longer than that (at this time anyway). I also have to see if there is demand for this class.


Due to time available, class will be mainly fitness training and rollling/sparring. Techniques will be taught as well, however the bulk of the class will be fitness/sparring/rolling.


Class will be no Gi ground fighting mainly, however if people wish to train wearing Gis thats fine. Atmosphere will be friendly however


My background in training is mainly Judo, I also did Shootfighting for 2 years. Due to other commitments have trained on and off (more off) in BJJ over last couple of years.


I'm aiming to run the class through the AMA, insurance is easy to attain and is £5 per person.


Aim of the class is to get the local kids/young people involved, so they can get rid of their energy, and do something positive, however all welcome.


If you are thinking of coming down send an email BEFORE COMING DOWN so I know roughly the numbers/if there is any interest.

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