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Unfair Dismissal claim

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But you still carried on working for them?




You should have refused to work with them



You shouldn't have driven it then



Dont do the job then?




Sorry but this is irrelevant.

Im sorry youve had a bad time, ive been there myself but have some pride man.

Just take them for what they owe you, not what you can get away with claiming for.


Good lord! You should work for the Samaritans with your obvious compassion for your fellow man. Oh if only life were as simple for everyone else as it clearly is for you.

Cut the guy some slack, have you ever thought that they may have been utterly dependant on the wage that those cowboys were paying them, making refusing to do the job not an option through fear of loosing an income? When you have a mortgage to pay, kids to support etc, it's not an option to just 'don't do the job then'. The OP does right to screw them over for every penny they can squeeze out of their irresponsible asses if what he/she's saying is true. It might just save someone else's life if they're made to step up to their responsibilities.

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good for you L.U.C.A.S


despite what some have said, i think you do right to claim for things like the damage to your feelings. did you go to a drs during all this so there is a record of its' effect of your mental health? that would help


i have recently had an out of court settlement for constructive dismissal. although it's not about the money, the level of emotional turmoil that these things put you through have to be re-paid in some way. i know that if i had gone to court i could have won far more than i did. however, i felt i had won enough by getting an out of court settlement. if i hadn't been fortunate enough to get another job then maybe i would have took it further. but no amount of money could repay or put back what it cost me personally. i know someone who has taken their employer to court and has won. she is now retired and doesn't need the money. she is getting loads out of her former employer but every penny that she has won is going to charity. as i said, i think it is mostly about the moral victory and if you feel that to get every penny out of them will increase that moral victory then more strength to you :) well done for not been walked over

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Most jobs completely ignore most health and safety anyway until they are expecting an inspection then suddenly it's all hands on deck getting things in order, it's just ticking boxes to them but if someone is endangered and disregarded then yes OP get what you can and what you deserve from them, and in answer to just Sarah..... I wonder if you would have the same attitude if you were on the receiving end.....oh I forgot you just simply wouldn't do the job! Must be nice to be in the position to make that decision and then berate others because they can't, must be cold and lonely in your ivory tower

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Back on topic....


Does anyone know of anything I can claim other than loss of earnings?


Since you know you're going to win, then why not take legal advice at this stage? You can afford it now. They will know what you are entitled to and make sure that your compensation is maximised.


It's better to pay a professional than ask advice from a load of unqualified random people on an internet forum.

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I was just going to suggest that. Get some advice mate and have your statement prepared by a solicitor. They will know the ins and outs and are able to word things in a better way to maximise what you will eventually get.

Will prob be a fixed fee for doing it so will more than likely pay for its-self.

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But you still carried on working for them?


You should have refused to work with them


You shouldn't have driven it then


Dont do the job then?



Sorry but this is irrelevant.

Im sorry youve had a bad time, ive been there myself but have some pride man.

Just take them for what they owe you, not what you can get away with claiming for.


No, its about money.

Its obviously about money and i find it distasteful.

Lost wages?

Yeah sure!

Hurt feeling?

You are having a laugh!

All the other 'reasons' are laughable.


Its just another example of the compensation culture.


Its not about pride its about money.


I wondered who would be the first member of the right-wing hate-mongers to criticise the OP...


I'm just surprised it took a few days...


Anyway, I appreciate you are currently... on holiday... so I'll make this short...


Please read the first two words in the title...


UNFAIR Dismissal


I'll repeat them again, in colour, in case you missed it...


UNFAIR Dismissal


Has it sunk in yet?


The OP was NOT drunk behind the wheel of his company vehicle.


The OP was NOT caught with his hand in the till.


It's UNFAIR Dismissal


Do you get it now?

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Say what you want. Its all about money.

Greedy grasping money hungry individuals taking people for all they have.

Call me all the names you like.

Its still just about money. You lot bleating about it changes nothing.

In fact the ones who are bleating the most are probably in the middle of a claim themselves.

Get some self respect people. If you dont like your job, leave. Get another one and if you cant then thats your own fault.

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Say what you want. Its all about money.

Greedy grasping money hungry individuals taking people for all they have.


I could have sworn you were talking about our political leaders there.


And the Greedy bankers.


It's good to have you back Sarah, it really is. It was very quiet without your shrill rantings about cyclists, immigrants and other ne'er-do-wells

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