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Unfair Dismissal claim

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I could have sworn you were talking about our political leaders there.


And the Greedy bankers.


It's good to have you back Sarah, it really is. It was very quiet without your shrill rantings about cyclists, immigrants and other ne'er-do-wells


Ahhh, bless you hun.

Of course i know your being sarcastic but me?

Im being 100% genuine when i say, i missed you too :love::hihi:

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Say what you want. Its all about money.

Greedy grasping money hungry individuals taking people for all they have.

Call me all the names you like.

Its still just about money. You lot bleating about it changes nothing.

In fact the ones who are bleating the most are probably in the middle of a claim themselves.

Get some self respect people. If you dont like your job, leave. Get another one and if you cant then thats your own fault.


Your right, it IS all about the money because (and i believe that jason already pointed this out), they dismissed him UNFAIRLY. He didn't leave- they got rid of him UNFAIRLY.


So he is due compensation because they UNFAIRLY dismissed him.


I wonder if you will pick up the gist of what im saying.



p.s- i have never claimed but i respect the laws of this country and if the courts say he is owed money then he is owed money!

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Alright guys I need abit of help if anyone can please.


I recently taken a company to the Employment Tribunal for Unfair Dismissal.


I have this morning received a letter basically saying that I won, the judges conclusion were:


Lack of Procedural Fairness

Substantive Unfairness




I have been asked by the judge to prepare a statement of compensation, im guessing this is what I want to claim back?? this company i used to work for were really really bad with me so I want to get at them all ways so what can I claim??? apart from the loss of earnings.


read this:



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