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Can someone give me tips talking to a girl?

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So what can I talk about with a girl to make her want to talk to me?


Never try and rehearse things prior to meeting.Be natural and observe the environment around you (as this could give you something to kick off the initial conversation)

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Years ago I plucked up the courage to talk to a girl in a bar. The evening went great. At the end of the evening I asked if she wanted to come back to my place, she said she was sorry she couldn't as she was on her menstrual cycle. I said that's ok, I've got my scooter, you can follow me.........

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Years ago I plucked up the courage to talk to a girl in a bar. The evening went great. At the end of the evening I asked if she wanted to come back to my place, she said she was sorry she couldn't as she was on her menstrual cycle. I said that's ok, I've got my scooter, you can follow me.........




Nice one...

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As a rule of thumb, I think most women size a man up as a prospect without verbal communication - the "conversation content" is irrelevant. Its not uncommon to have excellent friendly conversation with some random man about random things, but if he's not of the calibre a woman wants, then all the witticisms in the world don't work.


Water settles at its own level, you're probably best of being the kind of chap women want, rather than trying to come up with "lines" or "ways to talk to her". Then make yourself available or your interest known and be the Strong Silent type.

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