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Think you'll find Spring doesn't start until 21st March


As we're discussing the weather I took the Meteorological Office's definition;


"In the meteorological calendar, UK Spring is said to start on 1 March and end on May 31."




"The meteorological seasons consists of splitting the seasons into four periods made up of three months each. These seasons are split to coincide with our Gregorian calendar making it easier for meteorological observing and forecasting to compare seasonal and monthly statistics. By the meteorological calendar, spring starts on 1 March.


The seasons are defined as Spring (March, April, May)...."




It seems to daft for summer to start at the summer solstice, just before Mid-Summer's Day.

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Spring starts after the vernal equinox which is on the 20th March this year, therefore Spring starts at midnight the 21st March.


The Met Office don't get to decide when it is as its due to the tilt of the planet and the number of hours sunlight in the day. I would be interested in seeing where the Met office claim Spring starts on the 1st March as its a bit odd they would be so out and contradict thousands of years of experience.


Here you are


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We keep getting a bit on the hills in Wales. Snowdon is still white over and needed ice axes recently.


Highlands/Cairngorms had record snowfall this year.

Yes- and it's probably snowing near the North Pole too.

But here it's not, despite the Daily Express's fears.

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