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100 days of snow ..on the way!

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Interesting one this as no newspapers are on the bandwagon yet but there are a lot of indicators that this winter will be significantly colder than it was last winter. El Nino, Solar Flares, lack of powerful Atlantic hurricanes and the water temperatures in the Indian Ocean all currently point towards the Jet Stream being a lot further South.


Met Offices all over the globe are all consistently starting to draw up models that indicate we'll see cold air sat 'blocking' over the UK.


Of course it is too early to tell for sure, but quietly for those who know where to look all the arrows are starting to point towards snow, ice and frozen pipes.


Worth keeping an eye on.

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I know it's the Express but other papers and media sources have started to say similar stuff, guess we'll have to wait and see but the outlook this year does look bleak.


will never happen where I am my friend, It's sunshine all the way. :D

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