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PM rejects call to lower age of consent

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In other words you would have to carry out regular psychological assessments of every child in order to decide when every child is ready for sex. And who would pay for all that? Presumably the NHS or local authorities funded by central government? And how would they decide when a child is ready? And would each child have a card which reads Thou Shall or Shall Nor Shag Me?


Even by your standards that's bonkers even if it's the kind of thing we've got used to from MrSMith, MaxMaximus et al.


No we wouldn't, they would decide with the guidance of their parents, just like they do now. You do like to invent ridiculous assumptions in order to justify your ridiculous responses.

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A 15 year old is a child.

Puberty is the stage in life when a human child's body develops into an adult's body. The changes take place gradually, usually between the ages of 10 and 16. Once it begins, it lasts about 2 to 5 years, but every child is different. During this time children change emotionally as well as physically.


So clearly some 15 year olds are adults whilst other are still children, its only the law which confuses the natural state of human development, and defines all people below a certain age as children, but even this differs from country to country.

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In which case should be no where near ready to perform an adult thing.

yet a 16 year old (one year older only) can? like has already been said, and they want to lower the voting age to 16 and so will be able to help choose who governs us Oo

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