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Anti Roma racism.

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A thought provoking piece on the subject here -




What do you think? I think it's something we see a great deal of on SF.


This was an interesting take on the article.


Ah poor Gary, so you drew the short straw at the dear old Guardian and had to write a piece about the 'racist' Pakistani residents of Sheffield who are upset about the influx of large numbers of Roma.

Still chin up mate you are unlikely to be bothered by the Roma in the leafy suburbs of Chicago.

And there fellow countrymen don't appear to think very highly of them.

Paradoxically, the plight of the Roma in eastern Europe was so bad that securing minority rights for the Roma was a precondition for countries from the region joining the EU. Polls show that 91% of Czechs had "negative views" towards them while a survey of Hungarian police officers revealed that 54% believed criminality to be a key element of the Roma identity. In the Czech Republic, 75% of Roma children were placed in schools for people with learning difficulties; in Hungary it was 44%. The mayor of Mendez, a small town in Slovakia, said: "I am no racist … but some Gypsies you would have to shoot."
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I think it's a good way of attempting to silence debate.


Another Guardian article claims they are excluded, ignored and neglected. The truth is exactly the opposite, they're getting all manner of assistance (using public funds) to help them integrate such interpreters at the schools, leaflets printed in their language, access to medical care. Various NGOs funded from the public purse are setup with the aim of settling them in Sheffield.

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I think it's a good way of attempting to silence debate.


Another Guardian article claims they are excluded, ignored and neglected. The truth is exactly the opposite, they're getting all manner of assistance (using public funds) to help them integrate such interpreters at the schools, leaflets printed in their language, access to medical care. Various NGOs funded from the public purse are setup with the aim of settling them in Sheffield.


What is a NGO?

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So, to summarise the article, because they were "gassed by the Nazis" then Britain must give them a safe refuge to turn into a squalid ghetto.


The behaviour of the Roma, their apparent willingness to create and live in a squalid, filthy environment whilst refusing to integrate is the root of the problem. If a Roma family moved next door to me, kept the place clean & behaved in a socially acceptable manner then no problem. If 10 Roma families moved onto the street acting in a socially unacceptable manner ie congregrating outside my house at all hours, being abusive, dumping rubbish and urinating in the street, then that would be a problem. Which is in effect the current situation in Page Hall.


An alternative viewpoint to the Guardian: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10452130/Roma-in-Sheffield-When-it-goes-off-it-will-be-like-an-atom-bomb-here.html

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From the highest rated comment, from somebody with direct experience of trying to help the Roma community:


Any rational person that puts aside their ‘liberal’ prejudices will conclude that aspects of Roma culture are indeed defective. For example, many of the families that my mother-in-law works with praise their children stealing.


The problems that exist within Roma culture create problems for Roma individuals, families and communities. The tragedy is that ultimately, they create communities that are incapable of supporting themselves.


Consequently, wherever they exist, these communities cause resentment and yes, ‘racism’ from their neighbouring communities, creating a viscous circle that makes everything worse.


The way to help the Roma is not to deny these problems are caused at least in part by Roma culture. The cultural factors exist and must be confronted.


And just as other cultural and ethnic groups have managed to consign some of the harmful and problematic aspects of their cultures to history, so must the Roma people.

Even educated Roma people acknowledge these problems. I heard a Roma councillor say, “My people have to learn that they can’t live their lives as if tomorrow isn’t going to come”.


So Blunkett is indeed brave to raise this issue.


And left-wing commentators are the real cowards, who for reasons of ideological dogma, seek to prevent these issues from being acknowledged or even discussed.


It is they who are failing the Roma.

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