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Anti Roma racism.

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So to get things straight here,the article is written by someone sat in America?


A bit like Richard Littlejohn then:




---------- Post added 18-11-2013 at 12:23 ----------


Yes, and a career victim at that


Much like Richard Littlejohn

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This is the problem with widening the meaning of racism to include culture. It effectively means you cannot criticise or reject a culture without it being labelled as racist.
Equally I'm baffled by those who have certain views complaining about how others might describe them. Grow a pair!
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Very interesting. Thanks for posting. Always two sides to every story aren't there.


As an aside you have to question whether housing policy has failed in this country if what are effectively ghettos can form so quickly. These people must be in private rented housing? If so who are the landlords? Alternatively if the council has allowed a ghetto to form in social housing then there are serious questions that need to be asked.


It's probable theat they are privately rented, I'm not sure if council housing exists around the area. I have a friend who once lived in Pippin Street and don't remember seeing standard patern corporation houses in the area.


I still find it strange immigrants are moaning about other immigrants in their vacinity. I read a few articles over the weekend which said we could go back to the 1950s race riots of Nottingham and London. I don't think that that is the case since the 1950s were mainly whites against afro caribbeans

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I still find it strange immigrants are moaning about other immigrants in their vacinity.
I've explained this many a time already. It's always a question of timing and socio-economic context:
  • who arrived earlier (and is 'more' assimilated than the new guys)
  • is there enough work for all (so the new guys are not pinching yer wimmin and yer bread)
  • how culturally similar or not are the new guys (how much more different do they look/act/behave)

I read a few articles over the weekend which said we could go back to the 1950s race riots of Nottingham and London. I don't think that that is the case since the 1950s were mainly whites against afro caribbeans
What is the difference between "whites against afro caribbeans" 50 years ago, or "whites against Irish whites" 30 years ago, and "swarthy against olive" or "asian against eastern european" these days?


Answer: none whatsoever. Exact same pattern/causes/consequences. It's human nature, you can't fight it.


Best you could do is try and be smart about it and try and contain it through policies (e.g. housing, with specific areas assigned to newcomers for splitting groups/deincentivising ghettoisation/etc.)


But by Blunkett's and Straw's own admissions, there weren't any such policies. Then or now. So..."he who sows crap, reaps a sh*tstorm" *


* I'm told Confucius said that :suspect:

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If there is a genuine cause for concern, and things are factual; then how can it be racism?


its about context, if its anti social behavior, deal with those causing it, once you treat the whole community as the enemy rather than just the troublemakers then that's when it can get mistrued as racism

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