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BRAKE are calling for hands free devices to be banned!!

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Distractions come in two forms:

- physical (looking away from the road ahead at the wind farm, operating buttons on radio, phone etc

- cognitive - the process where you may well be looking straight ahead but not processing the information as well as you can for reasons of fatigue, mind transported elsewhere by stressors, autopilot or by dual task interference

- or a combination of the two

A mobile phone conversation scores as a "distraction" on all three.

The banning of hand held use only addresses the first.


This tallies absolutely with the research, that hands-free is only slightly less deleterious than handset, and both are equally or more deleterious to your driving ability as being over the legal blood alcohol limit.


The cognitive impairment is the most important factor.


Bonzo disputes this on the basis of self-assessment and anecdote.

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