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BRAKE are calling for hands free devices to be banned!!

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It they did stop the use of hands free how would they police it? .


Simple answer.......... they cant, same as they cant police it properly now. Yes , they catch a few here and there ,but the vast majority get away with using the phone whilst driving. You to be extremely unlucky to be caught on the phone whilst driving.

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Having to second guess lunatic cyclists on the road is far more dangerous .

Having buses just pull out in front of you is far more dangerous .


Can we also ban them ?


I don't think we can ban any of them. Banning things is rarely a solution to a problem.


The current law on using a hand held mobile is unenforceable anyway - although plenty of people are getting fines and endorsements, they're the tip of the iceberg.


No, the answer is to make driving whilst talking on the phone deserving of the same opprobrium as drink-driving.

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Banning things rarely helps. If you banned cars, everyone would drive vans and trucks, quadcycles, tractors, bulldozers, or anything else that isn't a car.


True, so we could all end up on motorcycles - which (even though I've never ridden or want to ride one) could sharpen up driving skills. You wobble accross lanes because you aren't paying attention in a car you'll get away with it - you probably won't on a bike.

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No, the answer is to make driving whilst talking on the phone deserving of the same opprobrium as drink-driving.


An excellent point.


I grew up in an era when people used to brag about how much they had drunk, before driving home from the pub. The police couldn't stop drink driving then. I knew many people who regularly drove after drinking five or six pints. I took lifts from some of them.


They don't do it now, not because they are scared of being caught, but because it disgusts most right minded people. There's the answer.

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