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BRAKE are calling for hands free devices to be banned!!

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You can't joke about this sort of thing.
Oh dear so sorry your high ship now go and get lost in your elf and safety manual,oh by the way I am and advanced driver with the iam on cars motorcycle and hgv. so I think i do have a little experience in the matters of road craft and applying it.Oh just to let you know i have had a very clean licence for over 40yrs now and it will stay that way,do you?
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An excellent point.


I grew up in an era when people used to brag about how much they had drunk, before driving home from the pub. The police couldn't stop drink driving then. I knew many people who regularly drove after drinking five or six pints. I took lifts from some of them.


They don't do it now, not because they are scared of being caught, but because it disgusts most right minded people. There's the answer.

There was a concerted campaign back in the day, and years of public awareness campaigns have given us an attitude against it.


But, and I think it is a big but, to do the same today will need a solid body of evidence pointing to a real and significant problem.


There's the parameters of a problem here, but whether it actually exists or not, I don't know. I have the impression that the rate and number of car accidents involving serious injury is dropping, in spite of rising traffic numbers.


---------- Post added 18-11-2013 at 22:54 ----------


Oh dear so sorry your high ship now go and get lost in your elf and safety manual,oh by the way I am and advanced driver with the iam on cars motorcycle and hgv. so I think i do have a little experience in the matters of road craft and applying it.


I don't claim any great skill at driving. Nor did I impugn your undoubted road craft.


I was only saying that you, specifically, couldn't joke about this sort of thing.


At least not successfully.


I'm sorry if you took it personally as a slight.


It was a lighthearted observation, and not a demand that you shouldn't joke about it.


---------- Post added 18-11-2013 at 23:01 ----------


Valid point. And something more mundane like taxi drivers too.


I think that


a) a lot of taxis use an entirely console based system for communicating with taxi HQ,


b)Two way radio conversations for the purposes of transmitting specific information are qualitatively different to conversations between people on telephones.


The act of speaking on the telephone is learned behaviour, and a great portion of our coginitive processes appear to be soaked up by speaking on the telephone, whether we're in the car or sat on the sofa.


There are telephone calls where you could happily write a detailed book review at the same time and just say "uh-huh" every 45 seconds. But there are others, so detailed and involved, where you really couldn't even write a shopping list.


I guess that might be why, despite everyone and their dog talking on the phone whilst driving about, there isn't total carnage on the roads: everyone is talking a load of inconsequential old toot that requires little or no cognitive input.

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I wish some one would shut our lass up when I am driving.

It's watch him, or Its on red, or there' a roundabout,or your doing sixty nine,or watch that dog,or you can't park here Planner ses so and on and on and on it drives yer daft.


HECK! now THAT MUST be dangerous :hihi::hihi:

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Physically talking on a hand held phone whilst driving is a problem but with the lack of police around and reliance on cameras almost unenforceable.


Talk of banning hands free devices is ludicrous as they are designed for the purpose, they are no more dangerous than tuning a radio, changing a CD, talking to a passenger or looking at passing scenery, banning them would be even more unenforceable than hand held devices so making an issue of this is a total waste of time.

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Physically talking on a hand held phone whilst driving is a problem but with the lack of police around and reliance on cameras almost unenforceable.


Talk of banning hands free devices is ludicrous as they are designed for the purpose, they are no more dangerous than tuning a radio, changing a CD, talking to a passenger or looking at passing scenery, banning them would be even more unenforceable than hand held devices so making an issue of this is a total waste of time.



I totally agree, If driving without distraction is the aim of the game, then it is NEVER going to happen.... Until Skynet becomes self aware on August 29th of course.

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I can't understand why smoking whilst driving hasn't been banned. There can't be anything more dangerous.


I used to be able to roll a cigarette while driving.


---------- Post added 19-11-2013 at 07:09 ----------


You can't joke about this sort of thing.


I think they just did! Everyone else spotted it!


---------- Post added 19-11-2013 at 07:18 ----------


I don't think we can ban any of them. Banning things is rarely a solution to a problem.


The current law on using a hand held mobile is unenforceable anyway - although plenty of people are getting fines and endorsements, they're the tip of the iceberg.


No, the answer is to make driving whilst talking on the phone deserving of the same opprobrium as drink-driving.


Really?? You think banning someone from driving is the answer?? For talking on a phone? Hands free?!?


I think we should ban over cautious 'shufflers', who think they need 110% concentration when driving down the road. Usually the kind of people that hog the middle lane on the motorway because they are too scared to change lanes!!

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Really?? You think banning someone from driving is the answer?? For talking on a phone? Hands free?!?


Yep, when I wrote:


I don't think we can ban any of them. Banning things is rarely a solution to a problem.



That was definitely a call for a ban, wasn't it?


---------- Post added 19-11-2013 at 07:41 ----------


Talk of banning hands free devices is ludicrous as they are designed for the purpose, they are no more dangerous than tuning a radio, changing a CD, talking to a passenger or looking at passing scenery



The evidence disagrees with you.

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