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BRAKE are calling for hands free devices to be banned!!

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But the police would still need to pull them over & spend time checking. What would the hit rate be? It seems hard to enforce without annoying a lot of innocent drivers & wasting quite a lot of police time.


One way would be to only check the phone logs of people involved in an serious accident.

The problem with a blanket ban is enforcement, if you can't realistically catch people doing it then it's pretty pointless. They'll be a few people who stop but the majority won't. They'll keep on using their hands free sure in the knowledge that THEY are safe to drive with one and it's just other people who lack the skill to talk and drive at the same time.

If the intention of a ban is to reduce accidents caused, at least in part, by use of hands free kits then a ban just won't work. Far better to educate people about WHY using hands free kits is dangerous.




ETA: I'm not claiming that hands free are dangerous, just that if they were a ban wouldn't work.

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The evidence disagrees with you.


Do we really need to do these stupid tests that prove nothing?!?


The bottom line is; driving is easy, it should be portrayed as such. If you're the type of person that panics or feels distracted by something as simple as a two way conversation, then you should turn your phone off.


If, on the other hand, you're a normal person, who is capable of doing 2 or more things at once and judging your own safety levels, then you should be alowed to drive while talking, smoking, itching your bum, or whatever they'll try to ban next!

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They undergo advanced training, and have a "co-pilot" with them who can handle communications.


What about poor souls like me when out and about flying the 'Alcocopter'? :o:(

I haven't got a co-pilot and need to use the radio to shout for help when the altimeter plays up.


OK ... sometimes I use my girlfriend as a co-pilot, but she can hardly be expected to scream for assistance to the emergency air/ground services and make sandwiches at the same time can she? Bring back CB, that's what I say! :mad:

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What about poor souls like me when out and about flying the 'Alcocopter'? :o:(

I haven't got a co-pilot and need to use the radio to shout for help when the altimeter plays up.


OK ... sometimes I use my girlfriend as a co-pilot, but she can hardly be expected to scream for assistance to the emergency air/ground services and make sandwiches at the same time can she? Bring back CB, that's what I say! :mad:


Altimeter problem is easy..dangle you girlfriend an a piece of rope under the alcocopter..when you get too low she'll scream in time for you to pull up...

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I think they're right. Standards of driving on the roads are atrocious at the moment, so whatever might help prevent more accidents is worth it. Saftey first - stick to concentrating on driving.


Ok, I'll focus on whats in front of me instead of looking out for all the bus lanes/20mph zones and no entry signs.


Maybe this is one reason why standards are supposedly atrocious at the moment.


Also ,are you saying that these standards are bad compared to 20-30 years ago when I passed my test,because its a lot harder to pass a driving test now than it was 20-30 years ago

Most stats dont take into comparison the amount of drivers on the roads these days compared to 20-30 years ago,people didnt get done for doing 36mph on a dual carriageway or for driving through a bus lane, so are you saying it was better 20-30 years ago.

Its a load of crap designed to make money for the police and theres nothing anyone can do about it:suspect::suspect:


Also, banning sat navs (on phones for instance) will only lead to people looking at a map or reading directions rather than concentrating on what they should be doing.

This is what was done before sat-navs were introduced,were drivers safer then????

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