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Changing council tax to my new home

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Hi people,

I've recently moved into my girlfriends house and I'm trying to get bills etc sorted. The first thing I need is to sort council tax. Before in my previous home I've just paid my mum board and she's sorted my council tax.


Well Now I've moved out I need to sort it myself. I've moved in with my girlfriend who lives with her parents. When I change my address will I get my own council tax bill or will they add me to my girlfriends parents account?


Also at the moment I get a discount because I'm classed as disabled but my mum says I wont as my girlfriends house isnt modified for me, anyone know how it works?

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You've haven't quite got the Council Tax concept.


Council Tax is payable by the owner or the tenant of a property.

You may have contributed to what was being paid in the past, but it wasn't "your Council Tax" that was being sorted.


Your girlfriend's parents pay Council Tax on their residential property and by moving in, you have not altered their bill.

Feel free to contribute, though.


As mentioned above, they can only claim Disabled Persons Relief if they have adapted the property for your needs.

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More or less as cgksheff said. Council Tax is based on the propery and not the person. It alwasy assumes that there will be 2 adults in the property (if not then 25% discount can be applied) So providing your girlfriends parents are paying council tax then it will in no way affect their bill. However if they claim any form of council tax benefit then they will need to inform them you now live with them.

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