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Milliband wants Banks to pay for free childcare..

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Milliband wants to take extra tax from the Banks to pay for an extension to free childcare because people are struggling with the costs of somebody else looking after their 'little darlings'.


Perhaps we should introduce a drop of common sense here and just say to parents and prospective parents, if you can't afford to look after a child then DON'T have one !!!!


Problem solved.

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Milliband wants to take extra tax from the Banks to pay for an extension to free childcare because people are struggling with the costs of somebody else looking after their 'little darlings'.


Perhaps we should introduce a drop of common sense here and just say to parents and prospective parents, if you can't afford to look after a child then DON'T have one !!!!


Problem solved.


Some people also think that hard-working taxpayers should pay for the spectacular economic meltdown that was caused by the Greedy bankers.


Perhaps we should introduce a drop of common sense here and just say to Greedy bankers and prospective Greedy bankers, if you screw up the economy, then DON'T expect a huge bailout of taxpayers money.


Problem solved.

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think this guy works for a bank????????????


Do you condone taxing banks to the hilt? What do you think will happen when said banks up sticks, leave the UK and pay their corporation tax elsewhere?


Banks aren't the panacea to all of Labour's spending problems - as much as the average Labour voter would like to think this is the case.


---------- Post added 18-11-2013 at 15:31 ----------


Some people also think that hard-working taxpayers should pay for the spectacular economic meltdown that was caused by the Greedy bankers.


Perhaps we should introduce a drop of common sense here and just say to Greedy bankers and prospective Greedy bankers, if you screw up the economy, then DON'T expect a huge bailout of taxpayers money.


Problem solved.


What will we say to overspending governments who blame their deficit on a completely unrelated element of a recession?

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Some people also think that hard-working taxpayers should pay for the spectacular economic meltdown that was caused by the Greedy bankers.


Perhaps we should introduce a drop of common sense here and just say to Greedy bankers and prospective Greedy bankers, if you screw up the economy, then DON'T expect a huge bailout of taxpayers money.


Problem solved.


100% agree.

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no problem at all , but the lump sum they receive at the end of the year for all their HARD WORK they carry out is! Not the be all and end all of our financial problems but it is one of them.


So a private business paying it's staff a bonus which is then taxed by HMRC is a problem to you? Would you rather the companies didn't pay the bonus and just paid corporation tax instead?

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Do you condone taxing banks to the hilt? What do you think will happen when said banks up sticks, leave the UK and pay their corporation tax elsewhere?[/color]


An emtpy threat.


As surely as blood-sucking parasites cling to their hosts while slowly killing it off, the Greedy bankers will NEVER leave the UK


What will we say to overspending governments who blame their deficit on a completely unrelated element of a recession?


Why, we'll just tell them to tax the Greedy bankers and tax-dodging companies :)

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