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Yorkshire multi-millionaire businessman backs UKIP

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Obviously being the key word...


Besides, there's not much to lie about when you only talk about one subject.


I would love to see Farage put up in front of a full election question time event, where the questions are about subjects other than the EU.


As would I, I'd love to see Farage wipe the floor with the other leaders, he does it enough with Barrosso and Van Rumpuy in the European Parliament.


He's appeared on QT plenty of times, I'm sure you're aware of the format, it's the one where members of the public ask questions on events of the week, so far from being about one subject.

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He's appeared on QT plenty of times, I'm sure you're aware of the format, it's the one where members of the public ask questions on events of the week, so far from being about one subject.


Yes, but he has a brilliant method of not actually answering the question, unless there's a way he can steer it towards his pet subject.


He should try being a politician...


Sadly too, the BBC never seem to invite him on when the EU isn't a topic of conversation.

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Obviously being the key word...


Besides, there's not much to lie about when you only talk about one subject.


I would love to see Farage put up in front of a full election question time event, where the questions are about subjects other than the EU.


I think he would be able to hold his own.


Cameron refuses a one to one debate with Alex Salmond over independence.

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Obviously being the key word...


Besides, there's not much to lie about when you only talk about one subject.


I would love to see Farage put up in front of a full election question time event, where the questions are about subjects other than the EU.

Well you can bet he would not hold back with the truth like the rest of the pussyfooters. ....... Such a refreshing change!

Read his book about the real goings on in politics you, just might change your made up mind about the man!

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Why ?


Considering that the majority of the electorate are, to say the least, disillusioned with the three main parties, UKIP provide a ready made opportunity to register a strong protest vote.

A wakeup call to Westminster that they have to change and listen to the people who

a) voted for them and b) pay their salaries and "perks".


Sure some of UKIPs policies are unpalatable but there will be something in their election manifesto(s) that appeal to most voters be it immigration, EU or law and order.


Westminster MPs can be voted out just as easily as they are votes in. It's about time they were reminded of it.

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