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Yorkshire multi-millionaire businessman backs UKIP

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Nothing at all wrong with international trade agreements, provided that other countries don't try to take-over the UK.


With the UK in a weaker negotiating position that is effectively what would be happening. Look at the way the US has imposed it's views on the countries adopting the TPP.

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So you believe that other countries and their businesses would not want UK customers? How odd.


Where did I say that?


In large groups, or as a single large entity if they are big enough, they would however be able to dictate the terms of the trade. As the US has done with the other countries in the TPP.

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No, you didn't; hence my enquiry.


Bit of a non-sequitur though. Why did you specifically ask that question rather than any others you could have asked?


The answer is that you want to deflect attention from the fact that the UK's withdrawal from the EU would have a catastrophic effect on our trade and that's something you're prepared to tolerate as long as it fulfils your right-wing fantasies.

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No, you didn't; hence my enquiry.


It looks more like a statement with a question mark at the end rather than a question. Had you not followed it with "How odd." I might have given you the benefit of the doubt but as it is it's something I didn't say followed by a disparaging comment. Looks a bit scarecrowish to me.

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Isn't one of your normal statements that UKIP is representing the views of the man on the street, as opposed to the other parties who only do what big business and the rich elite tell them to do?


Isn't the ordinary man in the street worth £680m ?

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