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Yorkshire multi-millionaire businessman backs UKIP

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Looks like Mr. Sykes is not on his own with funding,


Conservative donors are flocking to Ukip



..and this is a good thing?


Do you think Sykes and donors from the Tory party have the slightest interest in the plight of the working man or woman?

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A strong eurosceptic vote next year will send a message to our own Parliament that people are not happy with the EU setup.


It will also send the same message to the other MEPs.


And you wonder why we get a raw deal in the European parliament when you send people there just to take advantage of the expenses and not actually making things better for us.


Things would be much better if everyone stopped going on about messages, and trying to upset others and actually voted for the candidate who will represent them best. Only then might we get some actual decent MPs.


Voting UKIP in the European elections will only make our relationship with the EU worse, it will not improve anything.

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It will also send the same message to the other MEPs.


And you wonder why we get a raw deal in the European parliament when you send people there just to take advantage of the expenses and not actually making things better for us.


Things would be much better if everyone stopped going on about messages, and trying to upset others and actually voted for the candidate who will represent them best. Only then might we get some actual decent MPs.


Voting UKIP in the European elections will only make our relationship with the EU worse, it will not improve anything.


It amazes me farage wants to pull out of Europe. I read somewhere he's pulled in £2m in expenses since he's been an MEP. Tidy!

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I remember Sykes when he was a working man why wouldn't he have an interest.


Because he's no longer a working man. Self made millionaires like Sykes tend not to have empathy with the common man. They ask questions like "I've done it, why can't they?" He rather famously declared that he was leaving none of his wealth to his children other than houses, whilst that might be regarded positively I think it illustrates my point.


I also think it's a mistake for UKIP to align themselves so closely with the right wing of the Tory party, especially the very rich elements of it, because in the final analysis we all know there's no such thing as a free lunch.

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Because he's no longer a working man. Self made millionaires like Sykes tend not to have empathy with the common man. They ask questions like "I've done it, why can't they?" He rather famously declared that he was leaving none of his wealth to his children other than houses, whilst that might be regarded positively I think it illustrates my point.


I also think it's a mistake for UKIP to align themselves so closely with the right wing of the Tory party, especially the very rich elements of it, because in the final analysis we all know there's no such thing as a free lunch.


Your perception or fact?

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