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Head of Cooperative Bank caught in drugs sting.

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I don't remember Cameron as keen to have enquiries into the Tory bankers execs as he is with this co-op bloke.


Which Tory bankers are you talking about? Just sticking the word Tory in front af your chosen target doesn't make them a Tory however much you need to deflect a bit of flak.


The guy from the Co-op was a LABOUR COUNCILLOR. He was a member of the Labour Party. His bank runs a political party within the Labour Party. They have 28 MPs who receive an average annual bonus of £35,000 from the Co-operative Bank. Thats a Labour banker..

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The guy from the Co-op was a LABOUR COUNCILLOR. He was a member of the Labour Party. His bank runs a political party within the Labour Party. They have 28 MPs who receive an average annual bonus of £35,000 from the Co-operative Bank. Thats a Labour banker..


Isn't of these funded MP's Sheffield's very own Meg Munn :huh:


Take a bow Meg, you Friend of the Working Classes, you! :clap:


(I know you're reading this, what with your army of researchers and your hubby on the payroll too.)

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Isn't of these funded MP's Sheffield's very own Meg Munn :huh:


Take a bow Meg, you Friend of the Working Classes, you! :clap:


(I know you're reading this, what with your army of researchers and your hubby on the payroll too.)


I do believe she also employs her sister in law too, she's well known for having her nose well & truly stuck in the trough.



"MUNN, Meg (Sheffield, Heeley)

I employ my husband, Dennis Bates, as part-time Researcher/Parliamentary Assistant.

I employ my sister-in-law, Deborah Stenton, as Caseworker/Secretarial Assistant."



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I do believe she also employs her sister in law too, she's well known for having her nose well & truly stuck in the trough.



"MUNN, Meg (Sheffield, Heeley)

I employ my husband, Dennis Bates, as part-time Researcher/Parliamentary Assistant.

I employ my sister-in-law, Deborah Stenton, as Caseworker/Secretarial Assistant."




That £35K from the Co-operative Bank doesn't go very far does it?

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I find this whole story rather funny.


I will bet my hat on this: If you drug test all the bankers in the UK over 30% of them will show to have used coke or speed or ecstasy or whatever else their fancy in the past month.


It does beggar belief that the coop wanted to hire this man though, absolutely loonie with his track-record, but I suppose banks are not under scrutiny :)

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I find this whole story rather funny.


I will bet my hat on this: If you drug test all the bankers in the UK over 30% of them will show to have used coke or speed or ecstasy or whatever else their fancy in the past month.


It does beggar belief that the coop wanted to hire this man though, absolutely loonie with his track-record, but I suppose banks are not under scrutiny :)


And what evidence do you have for that? Unless their fancy was for a gin & tonic.

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No evidence whatsoever T42, but it is simple deduction:


high-stress job, plenty of money. A friend of mine manages a hotel/bar in Amsterdam that is particularly popular with bankers and other 'high-rollers' and he has plenty of stories of bankers parties getting out of hand, I have no reason to believe it is any different in London.

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