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Sheffield Peace Centre


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I'm looking for anyone who was involved with the Peace Center in Sheffield from around 1978 to 1980. I have some memories and am looking for old friends of my mum's. If anyone has a recollection of a little girl doing street theatre in a huge box that was the world, well that was me! I'd love to hear from you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Peace Centre rocked. It opened just after Xmas the year after I moved up to Sheffield...and I got heavily involved right up to the point it closed down. I even got involved with the peace shop, it'sless than inspiring sequel ... I lived at the peace centre from January until it closed down a few months later.

And I remember a little girl called erynne, too :-)


Do get in touch....

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i only remember the peace SHOP from the mid 80s



The Peace Shop was the councils way of appreciating what we attempted to do with the Peace Centre (basically we squatted the old Masonic Hall as a protest against nuclear arms....naive fools that we were ;-D) and make it legitimate. We were originally rehoused in a shop on orchard square before the big refit. I can't remember if it was the one that used to be X-Clothes or the one next door.....probably the one next door thinking about it... We were then moved to somewhere were there was no chance of passing trade (I.e the arse end of the markets) and closed down soon after....


The Peace Centre (complete with strange masonic temple in the basement, became The Surrey....

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I remember teh peaceshop under the Sheaf Market, and yeah, I Agre with squid, it really was the Ar$e end of nowhere.


I remember going on the marches and the rallies, through sheffield city centre, singing "Give Peace a Chance"



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I remember teh peaceshop under the Sheaf Market, and yeah, I Agre with squid, it really was the Ar$e end of nowhere.


I remember going on the marches and the rallies, through sheffield city centre, singing "Give Peace a Chance"





Ah yes! WE probably met, you know ;-)

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Peace center, squatters, demo's in Sheffield. Sounds like 'the unwashed' are reminiscing over good times.

Most of us work, pay taxes, pay mortgages/rents and support families.

Too busy to waste time and too proud to squat. :rant:


Yeah, well....we were protesting about the threats to the safety of your family. Too proud to look after the interests of your family? Despite being a 'Nuclear Free Zone', Sheffield Council were still letting trains carry nuclear waste through its stations. We stopped that and made your family safer because of it.


And a lot of of worked, paid taxes and had families....so please...think before you brand us all....


And yes, they were good times. Not sure I'd want to do it again, mind you....youthful enthusiasm is one thing but there are other ways of protesting when yer old and embittered ;-)

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