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£10 to see your doctor?

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Plans are afoot to start charging patients £10 a time to see their doctor.


It could raise £3 billion for the NHS, but what happened to 'free at the point of use'


What do you think?


I read it as a nominal fee to see doctor say £1 ,but putting prescriptions up to £10 and making pensioners pay as well.

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I don't think it would raise that much for the NHS partly because, a lot of people who go to the docs are time wasters, and don't really need to go, so they would stop going, so would a lot of pensioners who couldn't afford a visit to the docs. Contrary to what a lot of people on here think, not all pensioners are rich.

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I don't think it would raise that much for the NHS partly because, a lot of people who go to the docs are time wasters, and don't really need to go, so they would stop going, so would a lot of pensioners who couldn't afford a visit to the docs. Contrary to what a lot of people on here think, not all pensioners are rich.


Exactly for many pensioners now its either heat or eat, Do they want them to stop seeing doctors and taking medicines as well.

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Mainly about prescription charges, the other stuff is at the bottom.


So they're only ideas? Not exactly "Plans afoot"... I don't think the £10 charge for a visit is fair because it may stop people going who really need to see a doctor but a charge for missing appointments without telling the doc. beforehand is a good idea..

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I don't think the £10 charge for a visit is fair because it may stop people going who really need to see a doctor
It may not be fair, but would go some way towards solving the problem (and associated cost-) of oversubscription by hypochondriacs.


Reimbursing the £10 would be an acceptable halfway IMHO (as in, you pay £10 to go in and be seen, then claim it back via self-assessment). Enough of a deterrent to put off serial visitors, but fair in that it's not lost money, and preserves the "free at point of access" ethos.


Works like that in France and Ireland, no problems that I can see/am aware of about access to public medical services.

but a charge for missing appointments without telling the doc. beforehand is a good idea.
How would you enforce that? Practically?
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How would you enforce that? Practically?


Send a bill to the "noshow"? if they don't pay then the government is in a position to fine them... I'm not sure why you think this would be a problem....how will you get people to pay for docs. appointments...will you refuse treatment if they don't cough up (excuse the pun :) )

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