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World Toilet Day

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Trouble is, we have to pay (taxes, direct charges, etc.) for the sanitation services we have. Our governments think they are important (although it took the stink of the Thames making the Houses of Parliament unlivable to get London's scheme going, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thames_Embankment )

Governments in other countries prioritise armaments, buildings and rockets to Mars.


Yes, I'd like to see this all fixed, and everyone with sanitation. But I cannot force the government of (insert country here) to do this. If we went in and built the facilities, how long before someone blew them up to:

Win their freedom;

Reject foreign colonialist domination;

Stop women getting above themselves

Or whatever other reason the loonies can think up?


I have lived in countries where these conditions exist.

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Flush with pride today!


Tuesday, 19 Nov 2013, is:




So, give a word of appreciation to:




Remember the poem once written round the rim of chamberpots:


Keep me clean,

And use me well,

And what I see

I'll never tell!

Cisterns are doing it for themselves.

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