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More bomb blasts in Baghdad. These folk know how to spread love around

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At least 24 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a series of bomb attacks in mostly Shia areas of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, officials say.


The deadliest attack was in the central Sadriya district, where a car bomb was detonated at an crowded market.


Bombs exploded at around the same time on busy streets in the Shaab, Tobchi, Karrada, Azamiya and Amil areas.


Sectarian violence has surged across the country in recent months, reaching its highest level since 2008.


The UN says 979 people - including 158 police and 127 military personnel - were killed in violent attacks in October. More than 6,500 civilians have died since January.




It seems that the inability to tolerate people who do not share the same religious ideology is an excuse to murder them.

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i read someat about it yesterday and it involved al queda, iraq, syria (both sides of that conflict), and various factions of sunnis aswell as shia, sounded bloody complicated


It isn't complicated at all. It is called intransigence. It is caused because one faction want to impose their views on everyone else. It is happening throughout the Arab world.

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It isn't complicated at all. It is called intransigence. It is caused because one faction want to impose their views on everyone else. It is happening throughout the Arab world.

no it was more complicated than that, i cant find the page now, it was on last night

it was someat to do with different factions of sunnis, and something to do with fighting in syria

not just a case of sunnis killing shias etc


this links interesting too


never knew some tribal elders created militias who actually managed to dislodge al queda from their areas

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no it was more complicated than that, i cant find the page now, it was on last night

it was someat to do with different factions of sunnis, and something to do with fighting in syria

not just a case of sunnis killing shias etc


Yep, it's complicated alright.


Two bombs went off close to the Iranian embassy in Beirut (the Lebanese capital) a day or two ago, in an attack likely to be connected to the civil war in Syria. Al Qaeda are said to have had some involvement:


A cleric linked to an al-Qaida-inspired group later claimed that its members had carried out the attack, seeking revenge for Iran's role in supporting the Assad regime. "The Abdullah Azzam brigades – the Hussein bin Ali cells … are behind the attack on the Iranian embassy in Beirut," Sheikh Sirajeddine Zuraiqat, said on his Twitter feed. "It is a twin suicide operation by two heroes from the Sunni community in Lebanon."



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Yep, it's complicated alright.


Two bombs went off close to the Iranian embassy in Beirut (the Lebanese capital) a day or two ago, in an attack likely to be connected to the civil war in Syria. Al Qaeda are said to have had some involvement:


A cleric linked to an al-Qaida-inspired group later claimed that its members had carried out the attack, seeking revenge for Iran's role in supporting the Assad regime. "The Abdullah Azzam brigades – the Hussein bin Ali cells … are behind the attack on the Iranian embassy in Beirut," Sheikh Sirajeddine Zuraiqat, said on his Twitter feed. "It is a twin suicide operation by two heroes from the Sunni community in Lebanon."




So more virgins all round.


Heaven must be a very strange place with a load of beardy blokes surrounded by an endless sea of 2nd hand virgins. Or once the virgins are no longer in tact do they loose their spot in heaven, or are they just repaired and recycled?

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Let us be proud that we bought democracy to this country, initially by smashing up all the infrastructure, as we did in Libya, and creating the environment for both religious and sectarian differences to grow. It always helps to plant a few bombs oneself occasionally thus the groups can blame the other side, in black opps, as the divide a rule principle must be upheld.


Western corporations get the oil at a discount through the puppet government they planted to cement the democratic process.


It was unfortunate there were no terrorists in Iraq, but thankfully they have become a serious presence, thus things are looking up, as they also flood between Syria, and Iraq, having been backed in Libya to overthrow Gaddaffi.


Although the USA officially left Iraq it is widely known that they were replaced by "Private Security Contractors" who are armed and fully funded mercenaries under contract by private security firms. War management is of course best undertaken and managed by the private sector, who unlike official armed forces are not bound by any local or international laws.


So the globe under western control is being run through corporate rule, who have the interests of profit, as their guiding light, and treat the local populations as an inconvenience at best, as they enjoy the power that terror can exert in order to rule.


Good old Blair, without him where would we be today? He deserves his millions, and good luck to him in his venture with war against Iran.

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