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Recloose visits England's "4th largest" provincial backwater


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I think the 'minimal' nature of a lot of flyers and posters is a shame. Often I look at a flyer and wonder what the nights about. I know people are reluctant to label music as one kind or another, I understand that. I just have to rely on people I know pointing me in the right direction.


Definitely with special events such as this - regular 'underground' events can get away with being vague: as long as they're good, they'll become more popular by word of mouth. Well, some of the time anyway. I've been guilty of refusing to put labels/descriptions on things I've done in the past, or deliberately running first time-events up against established nights. Doesn't work. Nobody comes.

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Seems like I'm not the only one given the turnout. But hey if you music snobs want to rubbish anything thats "popular" go ahead with your empty venues.


I don't think we do. We just want to rubbish everything that's rubbish. As for empty venues, I think this was just a case of bad luck.

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Where is Phonetics ? If the thing is poorly advertised and we dont know where to turn up then dont blame us for the poor turnout ...


The last Phonetics was at The Room: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91374 and a jolly good night it was by all accounts. Recloose was at Plug, though. On a different day. Many events are posted on the Forum on this page, including Sheffield's 2 dopestest nights, like. They be: 7x7 and Another Fine Mess. Bo.


I've also seen many a night with hard-working promoters and lots of advertising go tits-up, so I blame the whole of humankind.

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Just about to start a new Event (Fri 10th, in the basement @Unique), after forking out dollars on promotion and overheads the worry of any punters coming throught the doors is a bit of a risk that just has to be taken. So if you fancy listening to some of the sounds mentioned here (recloose in there somewhere i'm sure) and the nice vibes from nice people, pop into baby beatbox and make local things happen, etc etc. Cheers Marek


£4 entry




Ps, Stef bro, I couldn't make due to work commitments.

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Will be down after t'Lescar sir. That's my birfday weekend too - hope you'll be playing the Blackbeard re-edit of Altered Images*.


*doesn't exist really. Yet.


Nice 1 Stef. (will buzz U re: bbb) The general theme of the night is, as yet un produced blackbeard edits and Yam Who edits that they don't know they will eventually work on in the future. ha ha yey

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Just about to start a new Event (Fri 10th, in the basement @Unique), after forking out dollars on promotion and overheads the worry of any punters coming throught the doors is a bit of a risk that just has to be taken. So if you fancy listening to some of the sounds mentioned here (recloose in there somewhere i'm sure) and the nice vibes from nice people, pop into baby beatbox and make local things happen, etc etc. Cheers Marek


£4 entry




Ps, Stef bro, I couldn't make due to work commitments.


I likes the look of this - what be it's name? Gosh, Black Beard & Yam Who? will be intensely busy in the future, just wondering though, if you're playing stuff they haven't made yet then do I come down now or when they're ready? I suppose if I choose the latter I can hear their 'latest' material, which you can then claim to have been playing months in advance (of production!). Quality!

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