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Daily Mail: The Church is facing extinction

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Personally, I blame the Mail for the decline of the C of E - for years they've been preaching that it isn't safe for a god fearing christian to step out of their house on the sabbath without being mugged / raped / turning communist / gay / Muslim / gay lesbian disabled communist muslim / growing a beard / wearing sandals / becoming vegetarian / becoming a bearded lesbian sandal wearing communist vegetarian asylum seeking single parent muslim.


Tis sad that John Major can no longer walk from Lands End to John O'Groats without meeting a virgin :(

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I don't think the world is imperfect, I think it's wonderful. It has everything we need and enough for everybody. However again it's the actions of Humans that make it imperfect usually as a result of greed and money.

He also gave us brains and the ability to solve problems but again we don't always use that ability to help people but to help ourselves. I see it as the purpose of life is to help each other and leave the world a better place than you found it.


Incidently, maybe he HAS created a perfect place with no suffering, it's called heaven.



You think a child born with disabilities or someone dying from Aids, the list is endless, are examples of perfection or the result of greed and money?


And if in fact greed is the cause of everything that is wrong in the world, then God is still to blame because God created the greedy people.


And if God has created the perfect place would an all loving God allow everyone into it.

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You think a child born with disabilities or someone dying from Aids, the list is endless, are examples of perfection or the result of greed and money?


And if in fact greed is the cause of everything that is wrong in the world, then God is still to blame because God created the greedy people.


And if God has created the perfect place would an all loving God allow everyone into it.


I have no answer to your first point, and would hate to upset anyone going through it by pontificating on it without any experience.

I have my own thoughts, but anything I say might sound patronising.


So you're right.

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... Yes I agree with that, the problem I have is that an, all caring, all loving, all powerful, all knowing God wouldn't have created an imperfect world in which suffering was a fact of life. God could just as easily created a perfect world with no suffering.


An all knowing God wouldn't need to make the world, perfect or not, in the first place as it would already know everything that would happen. An all knowing God could in fact just ponder countless different worlds with differing start up qualities without having to make a single one.

Unless of course an all knowing God has no choice on what world it makes as, knowing what it was going to do before it did it, it wouldn't be able to change its mind.



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An all knowing God wouldn't need to make the world, perfect or not, in the first place as it would already know everything that would happen. An all knowing God could in fact just ponder countless different worlds with differing start up qualities without having to make a single one.

Unless of course an all knowing God has no choice on what world it makes as, knowing what it was going to do before it did it, it wouldn't be able to change its mind.




And that opens up an whole new can of warms, God didn't create us or the universe because we don't exist other than in Gods pondering mind.

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Feel free, I'm sure everyone you have accused of having multiple accounts would be happy to see the evidence to back it up.


I have never come across three account users who all share the exact same posting style (including typos), opinions and fondness of trying to stretch dictionary definitions beyond their meaning. Not only that, you all share the same stock response of "I've already explained, it's not my fault that you don't understand" when asked to give an explanation, refusing to specify a post in which you did so. Also, all three tend to call people names while simultaneously accusing others of calling them names.


All three have been known to "bend" the truth, it wouldn't surprise me that by saying you don't have any other accounts, what you really mean is that you don't have those other accounts any more.


All the evidence anyone needs is here...








So can you show me any posts where I've called you names?

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I have never come across three account users who all share the exact same posting style (including typos), opinions and fondness of trying to stretch dictionary definitions beyond their meaning. Not only that, you all share the same stock response of "I've already explained, it's not my fault that you don't understand" when asked to give an explanation, refusing to specify a post in which you did so. Also, all three tend to call people names while simultaneously accusing others of calling them names.


All three have been known to "bend" the truth, it wouldn't surprise me that by saying you don't have any other accounts, what you really mean is that you don't have those other accounts any more.


All the evidence anyone needs is here...








So can you show me any posts where I've called you names?


When you produce evidence that I have multiple accounts, your opinion doesn't really count as evidence.

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So can you show me any posts where I've called you names?


When you produce evidence that I have multiple accounts, your opinion doesn't really count as evidence.


I'll take it that's still a no then.


(those links aren't my opinion, they're your words, the extraordinary similarities are there for anyone to see, who can be bothered to trawl through it)

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I'll take it that's still a no then.


(those links aren't my opinion, they're your words, the extraordinary similarities are there for anyone to see, who can be bothered to trawl through it)


They are links to user accounts and its only your opinion that they are similar to my posts, and I can't be bothered to trawl through them to see if you are right.


I could just as easily post links to several accounts and make the claim they belong to you, but it would be a rather sad thing to do, so I won't bother.


This is just part of the game you appear to enjoy, for some sad reason you like to get people to trawl through old posts, to prove or disprove something you claim they have said or haven't said.

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They are links to user accounts and its only your opinion that they are similar to my posts, and I can't be bothered to trawl through them to see if you are right.


I could just as easily post links to several accounts and make the claim they belong to you, but it would be a rather sad thing to do, so I won't bother.


This is just part of the game you appear to enjoy, for some sad reason you like to get people to trawl through old posts, to prove or disprove something you claim they have said or haven't said.


Still a no then, eh?

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