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Daily Mail: The Church is facing extinction

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I'll take it that's still a no then.


(those links aren't my opinion, they're your words, the extraordinary similarities are there for anyone to see, who can be bothered to trawl through it)


I already did. And you are, of course, correct. You, obviously, could be more arsed than me to post the links, though. Respect.


ETA: Looks like your links don't work.

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All good arguments, personally I struggle to believe that universe came from nothing or has always exsisted. If you do a infinite regress you eventually get to a point when a total just vaccum exsisted and then it wasn't a perfect vaccum. How could something's possibly created out of completely nothing without an un-caused cause?


That's just my opinion on things. Feel free to disagree.

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They are links to user accounts and its only your opinion that they are similar to my posts, and I can't be bothered to trawl through them to see if you are right.


I could just as easily post links to several accounts and make the claim they belong to you, but it would be a rather sad thing to do, so I won't bother.


This is just part of the game you appear to enjoy, for some sad reason you like to get people to trawl through old posts, to prove or disprove something you claim they have said or haven't said.


It's no game, it's obvious to anyone that the posts from all three identities are made by the same person, and it has been from day one of you trying a new identities.


Why keep up the charade, nobody will take you seriously whilst you do.

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All good arguments, personally I struggle to believe that universe came from nothing or has always exsisted. If you do a infinite regress you eventually get to a point when a total just vaccum exsisted and then it wasn't a perfect vaccum. How could something's possibly created out of completely nothing without an un-caused cause?


That's just my opinion on things. Feel free to disagree.


The vacuum isn't nothing, particles are constantly popping into existence from the vacuum of space, one of matter and one of anti matter, mostly they annihilate each other but not always.

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The vacuum isn't nothing, particles are constantly popping into existence from the vacuum of space, one of matter and one of anti matter, mostly they annihilate each other but not always.


Well, in my view there must of been a time of complete nothing and then out of the nothing the universe was created, that's why I believe in a first domino or first mover whatever you want to call it.

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Well, in my view there must of been a time of complete nothing and then out of the nothing the universe was created, that's why I believe in a first domino or first mover whatever you want to call it.


Why? it was a 50/50 chance, there would be either nothing or something, and it happened to be something, nothing then something is less likely than just something.

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