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Daily Mail: The Church is facing extinction

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A the universe always exsisted? That's plain illogical.


Looking at it logically, the universe could either exists or not exist, there are no more options. There is no logical reason to assume that nothing was more likely than something. It was always going to be one or the other, the fact that it does exist, makes it very likely that it always existed, as opposed to nothing at all existed and then for some unknown reason everything just popped into existence.

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Well, in my view there must of been a time of complete nothing and then out of the nothing the universe was created, that's why I believe in a first domino or first mover whatever you want to call it.


A the universe always exsisted? That's plain illogical.


So where did the first domino or first mover come from? Has that always existed?


IMO, nothing can't really exist. If nothing did exist, it would be something. Maybe space or the universe in some shape or form is the default something that has to exist; and its properties give rise to everything else.

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I wonder how many people who attack faith and insist that they only believe things that have solid scientific evidence behind them, at the same time believe that their spouse loves them.


Which is clearly testable, unlike the existence of God.

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