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Daily Mail: The Church is facing extinction

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There'll always be a need for weddings and funerals in churches.


Most people who get married aren't religious but they still want to get married in a church because they're beautiful buildings.



Civil ceremonies accounted for 68% of weddings in 2010, compared to 64% in 2000.

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while the people of England are left floundering amid meaninglessness, anxiety and despair'[/i]


Really? I'm without the Church (directly) in my life, but I don't feel that I'm floundering amid meaninglessness, anxiety and despair!



I don't think he means all the people of England are left floundering amid meaninglessness, anxiety and despair. It reads to me like he means some of the people of England are left floundering amid meaninglessness, anxiety and despair.

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I don't think he means all the people of England are left floundering amid meaninglessness, anxiety and despair. It reads to me like he means some of the people of England are left floundering amid meaninglessness, anxiety and despair.


So somewhere between a couple and 53 million or so then.

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There'll always be a need for weddings and funerals in churches.


Most people who get married aren't religious but they still want to get married in a church because they're beautiful buildings.


As Alien52 pointed out, the number of weddings/funerals taking place in churches is falling. This is directly correlated to the amount of people who believe in the nonsense.


There are plenty of beautiful non-religious buildings that are now used for weddings.


Whilst there are people that choose to believe in the nonsense then there will be churches to serve them, it's just that churches are closing because their market share is falling. Simple supply and demand.


Shame really, because the CofE is mostly harmless.

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