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Daily Mail: The Church is facing extinction

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Article about the Church, saying it's on the brink of extinction.

The details are interesting...


"The Most Reverend John Sentamu told the Synod – where leaders will debate how to persuade traditionalists to accept women bishops – that they spent too long 'arguing over words and phrases, while the people of England are left floundering amid meaninglessness, anxiety and despair'


Really? I'm without the Church (directly) in my life, but I don't feel that I'm floundering amid meaninglessness, anxiety and despair!


'We ought to be ashamed of ourselves. We are one generation away from extinction – if we do not invest in young people there is going to be no one in the future.'


Personally I think the Church should be commended for not trying lure youngsters in, I find such tactics a little sinister sounding. As with all religions (in my opinion) people should be left to make their own mind up, not targeted for recruitment.


'There is so much violence, too many divided families, too little job security, too many young people with nothing to aim for. It is still the case that people are essentially looking for spiritual fulfilment.'


I'm not sure how he thinks "spiritual fulfilment" will cure these problems


More here


EDIT: Personally, I think the Daily Mail and it's quotees may be exaggerating a little


Cant God come down and stop the rot? Can he not encourage people to go to church?

Can he not do anything to prevent this exodus of his fans?

Or is he still in Africa, giving AIDS to babies?


The sooner this cult bites the dust the happier ill be. The only sad thing is that if it does disappear, the rest are unlikely to follow suit.

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Forget about deities, it doesn't matter whether they are real or not. Churches were/are communities, and communities are a good thing.


Sometimes communities can be bad things too.


Lack of community is one of the main things wrong with Britain today.


There's 60 million+ people in the UK. The majority of those people interact, at some level, on a daily basis: through work, friends, family, shopping, pubs/clubs, hobbies, charity events, other events & interests. So I don't think there is a lack of community in the UK. It's everywhere.


The problem, IMO, is that not everyone has a vast circle of friends or family. And a lot of people don't have the time, ability(poor health or old age) & money to access a lot of what goes on in the community.


People are happier and more succesful in life when they are part of a community than when they live more isolated lives.


It's quite the opposite for me. I'm mostly at my happiest when I'm isolated. Having a more secluded life, away from as many people as possible, is my dream... trouble is I don't have the resources to have a life like that. A lot of people would hate that sort of life, but they don't have a choice because of the problems mentioned above.

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'course you do :hihi:





Can you show a post where I've;


a) Not provided evidence


b) Called you names?



EDIT: Unless you're talking about alternate account names, I do mention your other account names sometimes Mr.Smith/Maxmaximus/Agnos, surely you're not offended by your own names?


I don't have any other accounts, but I have noticed that some of you older members do like to refer to new members by using the wrong names every time you are proven wrong, which I find a bit strange.


And no this is not what I was referring to, and I have no intention of trawling back though your posts to find them, its also another common tactic from some of you, you claim someone hasn't said something, or claim they have said something they didn't say, I imagine for some sad reason you find it amusing getting people to waste their time trawling back though old posts.

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I don't have any other accounts, but I have noticed that some of you older members do like to refer to new members by using the wrong names every time you are proven wrong, which I find a bit strange.


And no this is not what I was referring to, and I have no intention of trawling back though your posts to find them, its also another common tactic from some of you, you claim someone hasn't said something, or claim they have said something they didn't say, I imagine for some sad reason you find it amusing getting people to waste their time trawling back though old posts.


I disagree, it's no fun whatsoever trying to get you to substantiate your claims.

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Do you mean I'm one of the members that goes through the thankless task of asking you to substantiate your climbs?


No I mean you constantly ask members to repeat them self's and claim they have said things they didn't say, or accuse them of not saying something they did say. I think its a liitle game some of you like to play.

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I don't have any other accounts, but I have noticed that some of you older members do like to refer to new members by using the wrong names every time you are proven wrong, which I find a bit strange.


And no this is not what I was referring to, and I have no intention of trawling back though your posts to find them, its also another common tactic from some of you, you claim someone hasn't said something, or claim they have said something they didn't say, I imagine for some sad reason you find it amusing getting people to waste their time trawling back though old posts.


I'll take that as a no then. If I was going to accuse someone of something, I'd provide the evidence to back it up, rather than make it up

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I'll take that as a no then. If I was going to accuse someone of something, I'd provide the evidence to back it up, rather than make it up


Feel free, I'm sure everyone you have accused of having multiple accounts would be happy to see the evidence to back it up.

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