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G4S offers Govt £24m for overcharging

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No, I wouldn't trust G4S at all.


It's funny really, I've always been told the private sector is more efficient and offers better value for money and accountability than the public sector.


Looks like another untruth :|


Lets hope they don't get the contract to run parts of the National Health.

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Your link is to the wrong story.


Here's a relevant one.


It's worth noting that the government aren't just accepting them saying sorry and issuing credit notes (not even paying the money back):

The admission by the company comes after the Serious Fraud Office announced earlier this month that it was launching a criminal investigation into G4S and Serco for overcharging on criminal justice contracts.
The MoJ said it was not prepared to comment while a criminal investigation was under way.


Companies who behave like this, as well as being prosecuted to the full extent allowed by the law with directors going to prison if possible, should be banned from new government contracts for at least ten years.

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Yet they seem to be the "go to" company for practically everything.


Just like Crapita.


Now, I know that Crapita donated £hundreds of thousands in bribes donations when New Labour where in power, and received government contracts worth hundreds of millions in return (an excellent ROI, I'm sure you'll agree).


What did G4S do to deserve such status?


I am aware that G4S have links to israel (G4S run some prisons in israel, some of which hold children in solitary confinement and others where prisoners are tortured) but surely the UK government selected G4S on more strict criteria than that?





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No, I wouldn't trust G4S at all.


It's funny really, I've always been told the private sector is more efficient and offers better value for money and accountability than the public sector.


Looks like another untruth :|


It only works if there's genuine competition and proper oversight.


If they just write one company a blank cheque for everything then it's obvious this problem will arise.

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Perhaps people in government have their mates running G4S so they give them money and in return get their votes?


Spot on Mecky:


John Reid, Director, G4S Regional Management (UK & Ireland) Limited

John Reid, or Lord Reid of Cardowan, as he prefers to be known, joined G4S in 2009, having previously been Tony Blair's Home Secretary and Secretaries of State for Health and Defence.


The £50,000 a year it is giving the New Labour hard man quickly paid off for G4S as it landed a multi-million pound, four-year contract to supply private security guards for around 200 Ministry of Defence and military sites across the UK just three months after it took him on. Since then he has been diligent in ensuring the hi-tech security used by his employers is a feature of parliamentary debates whenever possible.



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