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What is the Roughest and Toughest Sheffield Pub - Today


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Yeah, what happened to the Hare & Hounds?

And I see the Bull & Mouth, was it? , was a Tap and Spile, really nicely run by Ken in the late 1990s; but he couldn't make it work as real ale is not known to the ex Wicker crowd; now its a Tap and Barrel, welcome all low life.....

Low Life:(

All the rip off barristers and thieving money lenders and also bankers seem to congregate in the new born working class pubs further up towards Neepsend where they sup [and I mean sup] the new real ales such as Cats Arse or Old Tennis Shoes .

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The toughest pub I know is not in Sheffield, in fact, I find Sheffield utterly tolerable on a Friday or Saturday night. We used to drink in a place called the Ringo Bar where the bouncers had steel chains on their belts, baseball bats behind the bars and doors, ready for anything, as this was the case the place attracted all the lowlifes from a twenty kilometre radius. Everynight there were at least three or four ambulance and police call-outs. A few years ago the law of the Netherlands regarding licensing was changed explixitly so local governments could close such establishments down.


I kid you not, it is now an old people's home...

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I've been in the majority of the ones mentioned on or around eccy road and in Sheffield center but I've been in far worse other places. The rougher ones are the ones out of town in certain districts I'd say.


I remember going into the brown bear for the first time with my Mum, Dad and uncle (barely drinking age) and thinking wow its rough in here but I've been in numerous times since and it's actually full of students or old people these days. I wouldn't call it rough just a bit different.


Penny Black serves a great pint!

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Such a speculative question. Each to their own. I find nonna's and the bar opposite intimidating purely due to the other punters looking down on my attire. same goes to pointing dog. I like Washington and Bowery. I wear jeans and trainers all the time. I have been in the pubs on the manor and wicker and felt at home. It's up to the individual as to when they feel out of their comfort zone. it's the company you keep, not the venue that matters.

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The motehall on the manor was a tasty pub before it shut down.when you opened the door all the windows flexed in and out due to the fact most of them were plastic.I used to play football for them,you had to sweep the glass up in the car park before you parked your car in there.

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